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NB-IRDT's platform data helps researchers answer questions that impact the health, well-being, and prosperity of New Brunswickers.

StatusCategoryTitlePrincipal InvestigatorProject Number
Closed Social Policy, Health Access to comprehensive care for diabetes prevention and control Neeru Gupta P0018
Active Health Addressing determinants of senior well-being and reducing social isolation Barry Watson P0099
Closed Health ALS in New Brunswick Colleen O'Connell P0002
Active Health Cervical Cancer Screening in New Brunswick: Impact of Primary Care Physician Access Ted McDonald P0127
Active Health Changes in alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm during the COVID-19 pandemic in New Brunswick Anthony Jehn P0100
Active Health Changes in publicly funded prescription drugs dispensed to community dwelling New Brunswick seniors following hospital discharge for myocardial infarction between 2008 and 2020 Dan Dutton P0088
Active Health Characteristics and Management of Large B-Cell Lymphoma Cases in New Brunswick Chris Folkins P0122
Active Health Characterizing regional care differences in COPD and its burden across New Brunswick Ted McDonald P0097
Closed Population Dynamics and Immigration Characterizing the Francophone population in Greater Saint John Ted McDonald P0082
Active Population Dynamics and Immigration Characterizing the Older Francophone population in Greater Saint John Ted McDonald P0116
Closed Health Choosing wisely: Imaging for lower back pain Ted McDonald P0054
Closed Health Climate Change Sensitivity Profiles for 33 New Brunswick Health Council Communities Ted McDonald P0081
Active Health Community profiles in New Brunswick of risk factors for dementia Sandra Magalhaes P0052
Active Health Comprehensive assessment of a peer-led exercise program for older adults in NB Danielle Bouchard P0027
Active Population Dynamics and Immigration Conversion to PR and Retention in New Brunswick of International Students and Temporary Workers Ted McDonald P0129
Closed Health Cost and benefit of the ACCESS Open Minds NB project Jimmy Bourque P0009
Closed Health Creation of a comprehensive health profile of children in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island and development of intra-provincial population-based birth cohorts Carole Tranchant P0014
Active Social Policy, Health Database analysis of direct-to-patient interventions to reduce chronic sedative-hypnotic use in older adults Chris Folkins P0065
Closed Health Determinants of COVID-19 testing and diagnosis in NB Ted McDonald P0067
Active Social Policy, Education and Training Quantitative Analysis of the Greater Saint John Early Childhood Hubs Ted McDonald P0098
Active Health Education and health outcomes in children prescribed long-acting stimulants for the treatment and management of diagnosed ADHD Ted McDonald P0078
Active Health Evaluation of Pharmacy-Led Pilot Clinics in New Brunswick Dr. Chris Folkins P0124
Active Economy and Labour, Education and Training Evaluation of the Under One Sky Aboriginal Head Start (AHS) program Ted McDonald P0085
Active Health, Social Policy Examination of midwifery services, clients, and associated outcomes in New Brunswick  Chris Folkins P0111
Active Education and Training Experiential learning and outcomes of NB graduates Ted McDonald P0079
Active Health Exploring the Multidimensional Impact of Dialysis Initiation among Cohorts of Patients with Advanced Age Daniel Dutton P0134
Active Health Exposed: Examining the generational impact of maternal substance and alcohol use on family health and social outcomes Sarah Gander P0109
Closed Health Feasibility of institutional health data for modelling travel demands for health care by rural older adults in New Brunswick Trevor Hanson P0036
Active Health Frailty in community-dwelling older adults and associations with admission to long-term care Sandra Magalhaes P0046
Active Health Health service use and costs among people with eating disorders in New Brunswick Emilie Lacroix P0105
Closed Education and Training Hours of instruction for K-2 students Ted McDonald P0035
Active Health Identification of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis environmental risk factors in New Brunswick Colleen O'Connell P0051
Active Health Identifying diagnosis of diabetes using New Brunswick administrative data – concordance of three different approaches​  Chris Folkins P0112
Closed Population Dynamics and Immigration Immigrant and refugee arrival and resettlement Ted McDonald P0016
Active Population Dynamics and Immigration Immigrant retention in New Brunswick Ted McDonald P0032
Closed Health Impact of COVID-19 on Language Arts (reading): A cohort comparison Ted McDonald P0086
Active Health Impact of physician access and continuity of care on health outcomes of New Brunswickers with chronic health conditions Chris Folkins P0089
Active Health Impact of the Healthy Families Healthy Babies public health program on short-and longer-term outcomes in children and their families in NB Sandra Magalhaes P0053
Closed Health Impacts of doctors' experience on surgical outcomes Philip Leonard P0005
Active Health Incidence of non-traumatic spinal cord disorder in New Brunswick Sandra Magalhaes P0023
Active Health Informing Climate Change Adaptation Planning on Health Effects of Extreme Heat Events in New Brunswick: A Population-Based Study Sandra Magalhaes P0110
Closed Health Long term evaluation of exercise programs for cancer survivors in New Brunswick Danielle Bouchard P0042
Closed Health Long-term effects of a housing first intervention on morbidity, mortality, and health care utilization among homeless adults with mental illness Stephen Hwang P0043
Active Health Mental health and substance abuse disorders on the risk of suicide: A population-based study Sandra Magalhaes P0048
Closed Health Mental health-related hospitalizations by youth in New Brunswick Scott Ronis P0003
Closed Population Dynamics and Immigration Mobility and retention of labour market training program participants Ted McDonald P0038
Closed Health NB-CHIP validation and COPD / asthma case-identification pilot study Ted McDonald P0040
Active Health Newcomer Health Project Ted McDonald P0107
Active Education and Training, Health Nursing Retention in New Brunswick​ Ted McDonald P0108
Closed Health Operational planning for health transport of older adults in New Brunswick Trevor Hanson P0093
Closed Health Outcomes in older adults with isolated hip fractures: a descriptive epidemiological study across regional hospitals in New Brunswick Pamela Jarrett P0019
Closed Health Outcomes of a health coaching intervention in older adults living with chronic conditions in New Brunswick Ted McDonald P0068
Closed Health Participation and retention in the breast cancer screening program in New Brunswick Canada Ted McDonald IM0000
Closed Health Planning for community resiliency in recovery from COVID-19 in NB Sandra Magalhaes P0061
Closed Population Dynamics and Immigration Population dynamics for small areas and rural communities Paul Peters P0007
Active Health Prioritizing targets for workplace mental health intervention using collected administrative data Ted McDonald P0095
Active Health Profiling transitions of long-term care clients and alternative level of care patients Ted McDonald P0069
Closed Health Projected outcomes of an expanded role for pharmacists in publicly funded immunization services in New Brunswick Chris Folkins P0071
Closed Education and Training Quantitative analysis of the early learning centers program Dan Dutton P0072
Closed Health Real world evidence service: Spinal Muscular Atrophy Ted McDonald P0118
Closed Health Real-world evaluation of pertuzumab+trastuzumab compared to trastuzumab and chemotherapy backbone for first-line treatment of patients with HER-2 positive unresectable locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer Ted McDonald P0056
Closed Health Regionalization of surgical procedures in New Brunswick Ted McDonald P0001
Closed Health Research to understand associations between breast screening participation and tumour characteristics at time of diagnosis Dan Crouse P0011
Closed Population Dynamics and Immigration Retention and labour market preparation for immigrants in New Brunswick Murshed Chowdhury P0050
Closed Education and Training Retention and mobility of NBCC graduates Herb Emery P0080
Active Population Dynamics and Immigration Retention of New Brunswick students Ted McDonald P0049
Closed Population Dynamics and Immigration Retention of scholarship winning graduate students at NB universities: do they stay and work in NB after they graduate? Laura Richard P0045
Active Education and Training, Social Policy Return On Investment of Student Financial Assistance and its effect on New Brunswick Post-Secondary Education graduate retention Herbert Emery P0119
Closed Population Dynamics and Immigration Rural public facility closure and its impact on migration Ted McDonald P0033
Closed Health RWE Use Case 2 Dementia Sandra Magalhaes P0123
Closed Health Sample validation for emerging zoonotic infections in New Brunswick Duncan Webster P0008
Active Health Sex-based analysis of health outcomes and health service utilization associated with diabetes and cardiovascular conditions and examination of PharmaCheck medication review service in New Brunswick​  Chris Folkins P0113
Closed Health Small area rate variation of hospitalisation in New Brunswick Paul Peters P0013
Closed Health Small area rate variation of hospitalization in New Brunswick Daniel Dutton P0057
Active Economy and Labour Social Worker Retention and Recruitment in New Brunswick Ted McDonald P0137
Closed Health Stroke navigation in New Brunswick Beverly Kemp P0059
Active Population Dynamics and Immigration Teacher Retention in New Brunswick Ted McDonald P0091
Closed Health The cost per case of cancer in New Brunswick Ted McDonald P0004
Active Health The effect of obesity on adverse post-operative outcomes in patients undergoing cardiac surgery in New Brunswick Jean-François Légaré P0075
Active Health The effects of COVID-19 related restrictions on health service use in NB Ted McDonald P0087
Closed Health The evaluation of interventions implemented in primary health care for persons with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders Sarah Pakzad P0012
Active Health The impact of patient-physician language concordance/discordance on in-patient outcomes in New Brunswick, Canada François Gallant P0131
Closed Health The impact of rural hospital closures on access to hospital services and health outcomes in New Brunswick Dan Crouse P0006
Closed Health The impact of socioeconomic and geographic factors on long-term outcomes after cardiac catheterization Ansar Hassan P0010
Active Health The impacts of flooding events on mental health in New Brunswick Sandra Magalhaes P0102
Active Health The Maritime Community Health and Housing Initiative: Investigating the impact of public housing on mental health and healthcare use in low-income households in New Brunswick Julia Woodhall-Melnik P0064
Closed Health The role of environmental air pollution in Multiple Sclerosis risk and hospitalization: A study using administrative data from New Brunswick Sandra Magalhaes P0022
Closed Health Trauma-related mortality rates for New Brunswick James French P0015
Active Health Trends in the primary care management and health service use of the dementia population in New Brunswick Pamela Jarrett P0026
Active Health Understanding children with medical complexity in the Canadian Maritimes  Sandra Magalhaes P0074
Active Health Understanding Urban Health Outcomes in Saint John, New Brunswick Hepzibah Muñoz Martínez  P0096
Active Health Use of healthcare, social assistance, and education participation of individuals participating in Hepatitis C viral infection treatment and mitigation programs through the RECAP clinic Ted McDonald P0092
Active Social Policy, Economy and Labour Valuing Public Libraries in New Brunswick Hugh Shiplett P0115