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Trends in the primary care management and health service use of the dementia population in New Brunswick

Category(s): Health
Status: Active
Principal: Pamela Jarrett
Project Number: P0026
Year Approved: 2019

Project Description

Without access to dementia diagnosis, treatment and continuity of care, those with dementia are more likely to have fragmented care resulting in inefficient and costly health care use, including increased emergency visits, hospital admissions and nursing home care. There is a paucity of research examining trends in primary care and health services for patients with dementia. Thus, the present study examines population-level trends in the quality of care and health service use for newly diagnosed persons with dementia in the last 15 years in New Brunswick. 

Data on quality of care and health service use will be collected for one year following the index date of diagnosis of dementia for each study subject and will be analyzed to identify population-level change in quality of care and health care utilization over time.