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Long term evaluation of exercise programs for cancer survivors in New Brunswick

Category(s): Health
Status: Closed
Principal: Danielle Bouchard
Project Number: P0042
Year Approved: 2021

Project Description

The prevalence of cancer diagnosis is increasing throughout the province; however, rate of mortality has decreased in recent years. Due to more cancer survivors living after a diagnosis, there is a need for interventions or initiatives to increase quality of life for survivors. 
There has been a rapid surge of research in the field of exercise medicine for cancer patients. In New Brunswick (NB), there is currently one program offered exclusively to cancer survivors called “Stay Strong”. It has been offered the past few years in Saint John, NB since 2016 and is trying to expand in the Horizon Health Network. The program consists of a free 12-week exercise program offered at the YMCA (2x/week) as well as an educational day that consists of guest speakers on topics such as nutrition, sexuality and psychology related to a cancer diagnosis. 
This project will offer an opportunity to collect research data retrospectively and prospectively and determine if the exercise program offered in the province is reducing hospital admission, physician’s visit, cancer recurrence and death rate up to 10 years after participation in the exercise program. It will also offer an opportunity to examine if baseline characteristics or changes observed during the program are associated with these outcomes.