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Quantitative analysis of the early learning centers program

Category(s): Education and Training
Status: Active
Principal: Dan Dutton
Project Number: P0072
Year Approved: 2021

Project Description

This project aims to evaluate the short to medium-term impacts of the Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD) Parent Subsidy Program 2018 on participant parents and children. The program was launched on March 1st, 2018 in the Greater Edmundston Area and City of Saint John before being rolled out province-wide. 
This project aims to profile program participants and non-participants, documenting the differences in personal and family demographic, socioeconomic and geographic characteristics. It will also examine the patterns of use among participants (judging by renewal dates) by those same characteristics. 
Key short-term outcome measures include parent enrollment in and/or completion of post-secondary education, social assistance receipt of participants and changes in earnings of parents based on self-reported income data. The key medium-term outcomes will be the impact of the program on birth rates/birth incidence, changes in child assessment scores/tests, changes in the mental and physical health of program participants and changes in the quality of care after subsidy enrollment.