Sequence of study

Year 1: 30 ch (all required)
Fall term (Sept - Dec)
- MBA 6103 Professional Development I (3 ch)
- MBA 6203 Accounting for Managers (3 ch)
- MBA 6303 Marketing Theories and Strategies (3 ch)
- MBA 6503 Organizational Studies (3 ch)
- MBA 6606 Business Data Analysis (3 ch)
Winter term (Jan - Apr)
- MBA 6104 Professional Development II (3 ch)
- MBA 6106 Information Technology & E-Business (3 ch)
- MBA 6153 Corporate Governance and Law (3 ch; prerequisites are MBA6203 & MBA6503)
- MBA 6403 Financial Management (3 ch; prerequisites are MBA6203 & MBA6606)
- MBA 6607 Production & Operations Management (3 ch; prerequisite is MBA6606)
Year 2
24 ch (6 ch required, 18 ch electives)
Required courses are:
- MBA 6107 Strategic Management (Fall, 3 ch)
- MBA 6903 Applied Integrative Studies (Winter, 3 ch) or MBA 6995 Internship (3 ch)
Plus you will take 18 ch of courses that match your interests and goals.
Check out our MBA course descriptions.