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Faculty of Science
UNB Fredericton

Back to Mathematics and Statistics


Departmental research in statistics emphasizes the use of statistical methods in practical applications.

Faculty research is concentrated on:

  • random-effects models
  • mixture models
  • longitudinal analysis
  • the validation of complex models for random patterns
  • data science

Our methods have been used to:

  • predict the spawning time of sturgeon in the Saint John River
  • describe the relationship between emergency room visits and pollution levels
  • develop methods for assessing tree height from the ground
  • investigate health outcomes resulting from childhood obesity

Current faculty research

Currently, there are four faculty working in this area:

Several graduate students also work with the team.

The group hosted an AARMS Collaborative Research Group on Statistical Modelling of Complexly Correlated Data with Applications.

Group members have also participated in the Mprime Network for Biological Invasions and Dispersal Research and in the AARMS Collaborative Research Group on Statistical Learning for Dependent Data

Applied Statistics Centre

The Applied Statistics Centre was formed in 1990 to provide a service to UNB faculty and graduate students as well as external agencies.

The ASC assists with data analysis, experimental design and other uses of statistical methods. 

Statisticians are of most help at the planning stages of a survey or experiment when they can suggest how to collect the most useful data given available resources.