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Faculty of Science
UNB Fredericton

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Quantum gravity is a research area whose goal is to obtain a unified theory that combines general relativity and quantum theory. The great challenge stems from the fact that these two theories, as presently understood, have very different conceptual foundations. Research in this area involves exploring new mathematical and physical ideas. 

Cosmology is the study of the universe as a whole; how it started, how it evolves, how it will end. It provides the ideal testing ground for theories of quantum gravity because quantum phenomena in the early universe have observable effects today. 

Current faculty research

The department has three faculty specializing in this field:

Our group is one of the largest and most research-active in Canada, with usually five MSc and PhD students and two post-doctoral fellows.

We have strong ties to the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, where all three faculty are research affiliates.

The group has recently co-hosted an AARMS Collaborative Research Group on the Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Black Holes.

More information about gravitational research at UNB can be found on the group’s webpage.