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Faculty of Science
UNB Fredericton

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Applied Statistics Centre

The statistical consulting centre at UNB is here to help you make the most of your experiments and surveys.

We offer assistance with survey and experimental design, with data summarization and with analysis of the results.

What we offer

  • Comprehensive assistance in the planning of data collection and its analysis. For best results, the centre should be engaged in the project before any data is collected.
  • Assistance with designing the survey or experiment that makes the most of your data, given available resources.
  • Assistance with summarizing and presenting the raw data.
  • Assistance with fitting models to data, with making predictions from the models and with assessing the quality of the fit.
  • Assistance with drawing scientific conclusions that take full account of the uncertainties associated with the data.
  • Explanations of statistical procedures and advice on their implementation.

Our clients

  • No charge for initial consultation nor for short projects.
  • Major research projects, to be negotiated. We usually ask to be included in the research grant and/or academic credit.
  • Students should complete this form and bring it to the first meeting. To understand the relevant project better, both supervisor and graduate student are requested to attend the first meeting. Supervisors will receive email notification of consultations.

To make an appointment email Tariqul Hasan

Initial Consultation $400, includes:

  • Reading background material we ask you to send us in advance
  • One hour consultation
  • Written report on the above

Further work

  • Rates set on circumstances, size of job, etc.

Short courses

  • We also give short external courses. These can be tailored to your needs.

ASC fees are used to support statistics education, via the Applied Statistics Centre Prizes for students in Stat 3083 and Stat 3093.

Contact us


Dr. Tariq Hasan, Director
Research areas: Random effect modeling, correlated data with excessive zeros.

Dr. Guohua Yan, Treasurer
Research areas: Cluster analysis, mixture models and random effects model.

Dr. Jeff Picka, Communication Officer
Research areas: Spatial statistics, philosophy of science and inference.

Dr. Renjun Ma
Research areas: Generalized linear models, longitudinal and spatial data analysis.

Dr. Nanwei Wang
Research areas: Graphical models, composite likelihood, Bayesian model selection, linear mixed model in genome-wide association study.

Mr. Tiago R. Pellegrini
PhD Student

Ms. Qiugang Sang
MSc Student

Dr. Donglei Du
Faculty of Management
Research areas: Combinatorial optimization, robust optimization and its application in financial problem.

Dr. Michael G. Farnworth
Department of Economics

Dr. Claire Goggin
Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, St. Thomas University

Dr. Linley Jesson
Department of Biology

Dr. David Keighley
Department of Earth Sciences

Dr. Fan-Rui Meng
Faculty of Forestry & Environmental Management
Research areas: Forest hydrology modelling, forest ecosystems and GIS.

Dr. Daniel Voyer
Department of Psychology

Dr. Yuhui Weng
Department of Natural Resources, Government of New Brunswick

Dr. Huajie (Harry) Zhang
Faculty of Computer Science

Dr. Liuchen Chang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dr. Gary Sneddon
Department of Mathematics Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS

Dr. Lucia Tramonte
Department of Sociology and Research Associate CRISP

Dr. Bill Knigh

Dr. Roman Murieka

Dr. Maureen Tingley

Dr. Rolf Turner
Research Fellow Department of Statistics, University of Auckland, NZ.