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Faculty of Nursing
UNB Fredericton

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For new students in the Faculty of Nursing

Welcome to the Faculty of Nursing! For those of you new to university, you are about to begin one of the most exciting times of your life. For our transfer students, you are continuing these exciting times and moving a step closer to achieving your goals.

Common questions

Course registration

Fredericton students

The BN Undergraduate Office will provide registration information.

Contact our advising team member, Pam Wiebe if you have questions or concerns.

Moncton programs (BNAP, HS-BNAP, LWYL)

The Moncton undergraduate office will provide registration information. Contact our programs and operations coordinator, Alicia Jones if you have questions or concerns.

Unique costs for nursing students

  • Immunizations
  • Yearly CPR level HCP with AED
  • Yearly Criminal Record Check with Vulnerable Sector Check
  • Equipment (stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, lab kit)
  • Uniform, identification, shoes
  • Hospital student access card
  • Travel to clinical placements
  • National registration exam upon program completion

Student services

This list, while not exhaustive, provides you with some of the supports available on campus. In Fredericton, you can choose to join Student Union clubs and organizations. Both campuses have a nursing society that would welcome your participation.

See Student Affairs & Services for full details on what they have to offer.

Spring Orientation, Advising and Registration (SOAR)

SOAR is your go-to spot for news, academic advice and support. Find recorded videos from this summer's SOAR sessions.