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Faculty of Nursing
UNB Fredericton

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Bachelor of Nursing students (Fredericton)

Common questions

We've compiled answers to frequently asked questions from our new students.

Student support

There are three daycares located on the perimeter of the UNB Campus:

UNB students can order a parking pass online or go to Financial Services in person.

Explore our residences to see what fits your needs best and apply online.

The International Student Advisor’s office is located on campus at CC Jones. Call 506-453-4860 or email

Yes, we have Counseling Services located on campus at CC Jones. Call 506-453-4820 or email

Financial Aid is located on campus at CCJones. Call 453-4796 or email

Clinical requirements

The document outlining clinical requirements and instructions on how to complete the requirements will be sent to your UNB email account.

Students who reside within Fredericton City Limits can request a criminal record check. Criminal record checks for nursing students must also include the vulnerable sector check.

Students who reside outside of Fredericton city limits will need to go to their local RCMP detachment (or municipal police detachment) to obtain a criminal record/vulnerable sector check.

Nov. 15, 2020: Changes every year

Oct. 15, 2024: Undergraduate entering 1st year

Aug. 15, 2024: Students entering years 2, 3, 4, fall 2024

Academic questions

Class size will vary between courses. Your nursing courses will have approximately 77 students. Your Anatomy, Physiology, and Psychology courses will have many more students. English will have approximately 25 students.

Fall term of first year will consist of six theory courses, including a lab, and tutorials. Winter term you will have theory courses, labs and clinical practice.

You will receive an email from one of our Advising Team members to discuss your transfer credits individually.

D2L stands for Desire to Learn and is the learning platform used across UNB. Much of your course related information is located within each specific course found on this platform.

You will learn how to prepare for each course during your first class for each course. Some course professors/instructors may email you through your UNB email address prior to classes starting.

Our Writing and Study Skills Program offers individual sessions, drop-ins and workshops. They offer additional academic support including sessions on time management and study skills.

Most courses will require a textbook and possibly other materials. You will find out during your first class what will be required for each course.

There are several options for textbooks. You can buy new or used at the UNB Bookstore or you can ‘rent’ from the Bookstore. You will find signs posted in buildings around campus advertising used textbooks for sale. Some students may post textbooks on Kijiji, marketplace, social media, the Nursing Lounge in MacLaggan Hall or by word of mouth.

Clinical takes place in the health care setting for example, a long term care facility, a unit at the hospital, or with a community organization. You will be divided into groups and go to clinical with a clinical instructor.

Clinical in first year will start in January. For clinical you will need to bring scrubs (red top, black pants), closed toe comfortable shoes, a stethoscope, a blood pressure cuff, a nametag, and a watch. We will give you more information during one of your nursing courses in the fall term.

You will need your scrubs prior to classes starting in January. You can buy them online or at the UNB Bookstore. Peer Mentors will be a great resource for you to ask about affordable scrubs.

It is really important that you communicate with your clinical instructor as soon as possible.

NCLEX stands for National Council Licensure Examination. It is the name of the licensing examination required for you to practice as a Registered Nurse in Canada. You will write this exam upon graduation, once you’ve completed all program requirements. We will discuss the NCLEX during one of your nursing courses in the fall and will continue to refer to it throughout your entire program.

Yes, you will be assigned to a peer mentor. Your peer mentor will connect with you via email or social media.

Your instructors are a great resource, a Student Advisor for nursing students, and our Assistant Dean. We also have a very robust community of supports available to students on campus. You can find them on-line through UNB Student Services.

Email if you have any further questions.

Extracurricular activities

Nursing Peer Mentors and our Nursing Undergraduate Society (NUS) will both host activities and events throughout the year.

There are many opportunities to get involved at UNB. Our peer mentors can help you find something you are interested in. The UNB Student Union provides information on clubs and societies as well as volunteer opportunities in our community.

Yes you can. There is a large time commitment required in nursing and your availability for part-time work will vary from term to term. It is important to balance academics, socialization, and employment during your time at UNB. Peer Mentors are a great resource on sharing ways to achieve balance in nursing, the Writing and Study Skills Program offers workshops on time management, and our Student Advisor can all help.

There are STEP programs through UNB Global that nursing students are available to participate in.