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Forest ecology

Forest ecology is the scientific study of interrelated patterns and processes of flora, fauna, and ecosystem functions in forests. This includes the study of tree physiology, silvics, genetics & genomics, forest soils, climate, insects, fire, and disease disturbances.


Loic D’Orangeville: Forest vulnerability and adaptation to climate change;Phenology of wood formation

Om Rajora: Local Adaptation and Evolutionary and Adaptive Genetic Potential of Marginal Populations under Climate Change;Genetic Impacts of Forest Management Practices, Fragmentation, Natural Disturbances, Climate Change and Air Pollution

Paul Arp: Forest Soils, Watersheds, and Productivity; Hydrology, Hydro-Topographic Modelling and Mapping; Forest Planning Applications: Trafficability Forecasting, Road and Trail Routing; Digital Soil Mapping.

Charles Bourque: Hydrological processes in landscapes;Vegetation and land interaction with the atmosphere; Biospheric fluxes in deserts, shrub land, and forests

Dave MacLean (Emeritus)

Jon Sweeney (Adjunct): Applied ecology and management of invasive forest insects; Insect chemical ecology, Plant-insect interactions; Species diversity of ground beetles

Anthony Taylor (Adjunct): Forest ecosystem dynamics; Plant community assembly and succession; Climate change impacts on forest plant community structure and function

Kara Costanza (Adjunct)

Eldon Eveleigh (Adjunct)

Dan Quiring (HRP): Insect ecology, Insect Pest Management