
UNB Sustainability hosts and supports several events each year to educate and engage the campus community in environmental, social and economic sustainability.

However, events can be major sources of waste and greenhouse gas emissions.

Reasons to go green

There are so many reasons to make your next event green:

  • Publicly demonstrate your commitment to climate change and sustainability
  • Save resources and reduce waste
  • Reduce costs
  • Receive a green events promotional package to support event marketing and communications efforts
  • It’s easy to achieve

Sustainability Month

October is Sustainability Month at UNB. UNB Sustainability and various groups on both our campuses host a variety of events all month long. The purpose of this month and these events is to educate and engage the UNB community in environmental, social and economic sustainability. We hope particiapnts learn something new so they can live more sustainably at home, at work and at school.

The schedule of events for Sustainability Month 2024 will be posted here in late September.

Residence Energy Challenge

UNB Sustainability partners with Residence Life to host the annual Residence Energy Challenge for two weeks in January or February. Participating residences compete against one another in hopes of reducing their energy consumption and taking sustainable action.

Residence Energy Challenge will take place from Feb. 4 - 17, 2024, with the winning residence being announced on Feb. 19.

Challenge details

Our team will track energy consumption from participating residences two weeks before the start of the competition to establish a baseline. Then, energy consumption during the challenge will be compared to the baseline to see if residences reduced their energy usage and displayed any behaviour changes.

Student participation is also measured; students can earn extra points for their residence by participating in Residence Energy Challenge-related events and activities or displaying energy efficiency behaviour.

Updates will be provided via Facebook and Instagram, with the latest results for each participating residence as the challenge progresses. The data will show the average reduction in energy usage since the challenge began.

  • Have an engaging and competitive residence-wide energy consumption competition.
  • Raise awareness of sustainability initiatives at UNB.
  • Educate community members and participants about sustainable action through energy-saving tips.
  • Have the competition influence adoption of more sustainable lifestyle choices.
  • Reduce UNB’s carbon footprint.

How to save energy

  • Turn off the lights.
  • Turn off computers and set energy-saving functions.
  • Minimize your phantom load.
  • Unplug your mini-fridge (as applicable).
  • Take short showers.
  • Do your laundry in a cold-water wash.
  • Use a drying rack instead of the dryer.
  • Don’t leave your music playing while you’re away.
  • Engage with other individuals on the topic.

Learn more by visiting our Green Review.

SDG Week Canada

Sustainable Development Goals Week Canada (SDG Week Canada) is a national collaboration to increase awareness and egagement with the 17 United Nations SDGs on college and university campuses in Canada. SDG Week Canada is led by the Sustainability Hub at UBC, SDSN Canada at the University of Waterloo, and Colleges and Institutes Canada.

SDG Week Canada is from March 4 – 8, 2024. This year, follow us on Instagram and Facebook for an introduction to each of the SDGs during this week!

Learn more about the SDGs by reading our Green Review.

How to make your own event more sustainable

  • Planning
  • Communication and promotion
  • Transportation and energy
  • Food and dining & waste management

Have questions? Contact our office at