University of New Brunswick est.1785

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Giving to UNB

UNB Legacy Society

The UNB Legacy Society recognizes the generosity of alumni, faculty and friends who have named UNB as a beneficiary of a bequest, estate gift, insurance policy, annuity or other deferred gift arrangement.  All revocable and irrevocable planned gifts are recognized through membership in the UNB Legacy Society.
Members are recognized for their gifts each year in the Donor Honour Roll

Did you know?

in your will can establish a $2,000 scholarship to support students forever

of UNB scholarships have been established through estate gifts, benefiting more than 1,000 students a year

$25K - 1M
Estate gifts can be made in a range of sizes to establish an award or support meaningful research at UNB.

The impact you have

  • Parents establish a legacy of remembrance
  • Generous bequest helps endowment exceed $8M
  • The Uppals: a bequest to ensure futures
  • Dr. Roach's lifelong legacy of giving to UNB
  • A gift that nurtures and grows