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Faculty of Science
UNB Fredericton

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Engineering Physics

What is Engineering Physics?

Merge theoretical physics with practical engineering for real-world solutions while tackling emerging challenges in Atlantic Canada’s first engineering physics program, a joint program between the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and the Department of Physics in the Faculty of Science.

This degree is unique. It exposes you to a wide range of science and engineering fields, giving you the versatility needed in today's job market.

You will learn new skills, apply your knowledge and ingenuity to practical applications, and develop work and communication skills with co-op placements.

When you graduate, you will be qualified for many different careers in the technology sector or to pursue graduate education in engineering or physics. You will also be eligible to pursue a professional engineering designation (P.Eng.) in Canada.

Among the subjects you could explore while pursuing an engineering physics degree are fiber-optic and satellite communications systems, virtual and augmented reality and spacecraft design.

Choose from one of two unique program specializations

  • Space systems engineering: The only program of its kind in Canada, this stream will have you working on topics such as satellite and payload design, spacecraft guidance, navigation, and control.
  • Optical engineering: Learn the tools of modern signal processing and photonic technologies with this stream. Topics include integrated optics and photonic devices, image processing, wireless communication, robotics, navigation, aerospace and defense, air and water quality monitoring, optical instrumentation and academia.

Program requirements

Exciting career paths await you after graduation

More and more employers are looking for adaptable people with the skills to handle any challenge they may face. For instance, there are more positions available than there are qualified optical engineers to fill them.

Your experience at UNB will give you the versatility required to take on exciting career opportunities.

  • Aerospace and defense engineer or scientist
  • Communications engineer
  • Electro-optic/photonic engineer or scientist
  • Optical systems engineer or scientist
  • Patent agent or analyst
  • Science and energy policy writer
  • Space systems engineer or scientist