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Faculty of Science
UNB Fredericton

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Undergraduate prizes and awards

Applied Statistics Centre Prize

This $100 prize is awarded each term on the recommendation of the Applied Statistics Centre to Fredericton campus students for outstanding achievement in STAT 3093. 

The prize is funded by the UNB Applied Statistics Centre.

Thomas Harrison Memorial Prize

This annual prize of $750 is given to a student who has completed two years (at least 60 credit hours) of the program in which the student is registered and in the opinion of the Mathematics Department, shows the greatest promise in mathematics. 

This prize was established by the late Mrs. Ida G. W. Harrison.

Ken Ireland Memorial Scholarship

This one-year, $1000 scholarship open to Fredericton campus students who have successfully completed two years of a degree program at UNB.  Selections are made annually on the basis of scholastic attainment and financial need.  Preference will be given to students who have demonstrated excellence in mathematics and have completed at least 9 credit hours in mathematics.  The scholarship is awarded by the University, in consultation with the Department of Mathematics.  The scholarship was established by family, friends and colleagues of the late Dr. Kenneth F. Ireland, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics.

Dr. C.C. Jones Prize

A $250 prize awarded on the recommendations of the Department of Mathematics to a student who has completed the normal requirements for the first year of the program in which he/she is registered. Awarded on the basis of the record of the student in first year at the University as follows: (1) First division standing in either Mathematics 1003/1013 or 1053/1063. (2) General standing in all other subjects of the first year. (3) The worthiness of the student. Holders of a major scholarship are ineligible. The prize is funded by the UNB Associated Alumni.

Prize in Actuarial Science

A prize of $200 to be awarded annually on the recommendation of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics to a Fredericton campus student who has passed at least one examination given by the Society of Actuaries and is taking appropriate courses. Students should have demonstrated a continuing interest in actuarial science. The prize has been funded by a grant from the Society of Actuaries. 

Dr. Stefan Rinco Memorial Prize in Statistics

A prize of approximately $250 dedicated to the memory of Stefan Rinco, Professor of Statistics at UNB, 1974-87. The prize is to be awarded annually on the recommendation of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, to an outstanding student enrolled in a degree or joint degree program in Statistics. The student must have completed a minimum of 90 ch toward meeting the degree requirements. The prize is being funded by the family, friends and colleagues of the late Dr. Stefan Rinco.

William Somerville Prize in Mathematics

A prize of approximately $200 to be awarded annually on the recommendation of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics to an outstanding student enrolled in a degree or joint degree program in Mathematics. The student should have successfully completed a minimum of 90 ch toward meeting the degree requirement. The prize was funded by the late Ella Somerville Foster.

Louis Weisner Memorial Prize in Mathematics

A prize dedicated to the memory of Louis Weisner, Professor of Mathematics at the University from 1955-1988. It is to be awarded on the recommendation of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics to an outstanding student on the Fredericton campus graduating in Mathematics. The Prize has been established by the family, students, friends, and colleagues of the late Dr. Weisner.