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Faculty of Engineering
UNB Fredericton

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Our research

Research teams in the Department of Chemical Engineering collaborate with national and international research groups. Our students work closely with diverse and qualified faculty members in high-quality research that is changing the way we live our lives.

Research teams

This internationally known adsorption research team focuses on research related to adsorbent characterizations, in particular, adsorption kinetics. This research applies to the diffusion in nanoporous materials and application of adsorption in separation and purification processes. The work conducted leads from the material characterization to the implementation of industrial processes.

Dr. Mladen Eić's recent research work has been used to determine diffusivities in gas mixtures as well as composite materials, such as bimodal materials.

Dr. Kyle Rogers' research team is developing thermal and catalytic technologies for generating clean fuels such as hydrogen gas and biofuels from waste resources.

This research aims to develop methodologies which will produce engineering graduates who are recognized by employers for their design abilities. It provides you with the opportunity to work under the guidance of practicing design engineers and to be an engine for the economy by working on industry-sponsored projects.

The team, under the leadership of Dr. Felipe Chibante, has significant experience in the research and commercialization of nanomaterials. The work conducted centres around several key areas including carbon and natural nanomaterials production, nanocomposites engineering, nanoelectronics and nanofluidics.

The nuclear engineering research team has established itself as an internationally-recognized leader in the study of the behavior and degradation of materials in high temperature and supercritical water.

Dr. William Cook’s research lab is conducting some of the essential research and development required to make the supercritical water reactor a technical viable product.

Dr. Palazhchenko’s research group works in the areas corrosion, radioactivity transport, and code development for mass and heat transfer modelling of nuclear power plant systems under the umbrella of the Centre for Nuclear Energy Research (CNER) at UNB. Olga’s lab is founded on the principles of multidisciplinary research, equity, diversity, and inclusivity in the Engineering profession, and collaboration with industry and government toward a clean, nuclear energy future. Ongoing projects include code development to model corrosion and radioactivity transport in the primary heat transport system and the investigation of the material degradation effects on advanced reactor (SMR) cladding toward long term storage of used nuclear fuel.

The enhanced oil recovery research team evaluates enhanced oil recovery strategies for new oil fields, oil reservoirs that might not be accessed by conventional processes and for mature reservoirs.

Dr. Laura Romero-Zeron's recent research projects include the production of clean transportation fuels, enhancement of diesel quality, development of new processes to produce biodiesel/green diesel from bio-resources and value-added products from petro-/bio-resources.

The polymer research team and Dr. Huining Xiao have been conducting research on various projects related to the polymers as functional polymers. They work on antimicrobial polymers, strength additives and nanoparticles for value-added paper products.

They also focus on biodegradable polymers for film or compost package materials, nanocapsules or star polymers as non-viral vectors for gene transfection or drug delivery, and polymer-grafted cellulose fibres or microfibrils as reinforcements for biocomposites.

This internationally-renowned research group not only focuses on the traditional pulp and paper manufacturing process, it has also established extensive research programs on the forest biorefinery. Dr. Zhibin He's group is pursuing the development of green cellulosic products to replace single-use-plastics, as well as bio-based chemicals and materials from lignin, hemicelluloses and wood extractives.

Dr. Yonghao Ni is working towards improvements in the pulping and bleaching process, and focusing research on high-yield pulp properties.

Working on solid removal in recirculation aquaculture systems, the research team focuses their work on the development of improved design and operating methodologies to allow for significant improvement in the operation of large-diameter fish tanks.