Most recent calls for nomination

The University Honorary Degrees Committee invites the nomination of candidates for Honorary Degrees for the 2025 year and beyond. The Committee welcomes and encourages nominations of any individual deserving of recognition including women, visible minorities, aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, persons of any sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. No categories of recipients are defined, but the guidelines are:

  1. that, normally recommendations should include at least one distinguished scholar for each ceremony;
  2. that the nomination and recognition of people not already honoured by other institutions, or in a public manner, be encouraged;
  3. that the University not normally bestow honorary degrees on currently serving members of the Board or of the University faculty or staff or individuals currently holding elected political office in Canada;
  4. that the University normally not award honorary degrees in absentia or posthumously, although the Committee may recommend or the University may grant such an award in exceptional circumstances;
  5. that those awarded the Emeritus rank from UNB not be considered since the University regards that rank as the equivalent of an honorary degree;
  6. that nominations remain before the Committee for three years.  The criteria are flexible, and are phrased as two questions:
    • what distinction has the person achieved as an academic, scientist, artist, educator, administrator, or public servant, or in any other recognized way?
    • what significant contribution has the person made, directly or indirectly, to the betterment of the life of the University, the local community, the Province, the region, Canada, or the world?

Download the standard nomination form. Nominations should include a curriculum vitae and a brief statement summarizing the candidate's significant achievements.

On the Saint John campus, nominations for honorary degrees may be made either to the University Honorary Degrees Committee or to the Saint John Senate Honorary Degrees Committee.Nominations received by the Saint John Senate Honorary Degrees Committee will be forwarded, with that Committee's comments, to the University Committee.

Nominations should be sent to the University Secretariat by Friday, Nov. 22, 2024. Nominations directed through the Saint John Senate Honorary Degrees Committee should be addressed to the Senate office on the Saint John campus in care of Ms. Elizabeth Flemming, and should reach that Committee no later than Friday, Oct. 25, 2024.

Nomination form

If you require further information please do not hesitate to contact the University Secretariat at 506-453-4613 (Fredericton) or 506-648-5795 (Saint John).