Energy Fundamentals for Leaders

Making informed decisions about energy issues

The next session of the Energy Fundamentals for Leaders Certificate Program will begin on Oct. 24, 2024.

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The energy sector impacts our social, environmental and economic realities. Organizations, agencies and firms can improve their competitiveness by developing a leadership team that understands the complexities of the energy sector and its impact.

Individuals can improve their employability, increase opportunities for advancement and enhance their careers across a variety of sectors by understanding the complexities of the energy sector.

This program combines in-class instruction with interactive exercises, expert panels and applied case studies, offering exposure to all major forms of energy and energy production through site visits and hands-on learning experiences.

Who should attend

Energy Fundamentals for Leaders is designed for professionals, leaders, and managers at all career levels, who work directly or indirectly in the energy sector. Business development professionals, business owners, project managers, planners, facility or plant managers, health, safety & environment or sustainability managers, engineers, energy analysts, and management consultants will benefit from this program.

This program provides participants with a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of complex energy and related industries to help them make informed decisions about energy issues affecting their or their clients' organizations.

You will:

  • Gain an extensive energy vocabulary that supports deeper understanding of the sector, and more informed decision-making
  • Improve your understanding of the socio-economic, political, policy, and environmental impacts of energy
  • Be exposed to a comprehensive portfolio of energy assets, technologies, and expert resources
  • Have the opportunity to be part of a broad network of energy professionals, subject-matter experts, and thought leaders
  • Gain a global perspective on regional energy issues, opportunities, and challenges
  • Test and solidify your understanding of the material through participation in experiential and scenario-based activities

Your employer will:

  • Benefit from having an energy literate employee capable of meaningful engagement on energy and energy-related issues
  • Develop an employee resource capable of providing informed direction and leadership on projects requiring consideration of direct or indirect energy impact
  • Gain a competitive edge through access to global industry leaders, subject matter experts, and thought leaders through an established and active alumni network
  • Benefit from professionals able to understand the global context of energy as well as its related socio-economic, political, and environmental complexities
  • Develop a group of professionals by providing them with the tools necessary for making informed decisions, project planning, and strategic development within an energy context

Program topics

Energy Fundamentals: Becoming literate in an energy complex world

This module will introduce concepts and terminologies fundamental to understanding complex energy issues and working within energy and energy related sectors. It also provides a global context and an advanced energy vocabulary to support enhanced professional decision making and strategy development.

Energy Economics: Energy markets, economic impacts, and the global energy environment

This module examines the business side of energy, including investment and risk management requirements including the impact of energy across a variety of sectors and economies. It will also examine energy from an input perspective, investigating the business and social impact of energy price volatility. Environmental issues will be highlighted, including the economic and social perspectives of energy efficiency and alternate sources of energy.

Energy Policy: The legislation and regulation guiding our energy future

This module examines policy planning, development and implementation processes, creating an understanding of jurisdiction, process and impact assessment. Participants will be exposed to existing and contemplated policies and regulations impacting the energy sector and related industries and applications.

Understanding the Energy Consumer: The how and why driving energy use, misuse, and abuse

Understanding one's own behaviour is often the first step in understanding, predicting, and impacting the behaviour of others. Using the basic model of consumer decision-making, participants will examine what drives acceptance and adoption of new technologies, patterns of consumer use, and sources of misconceptions that impact the behaviour of energy consumers.

Innovative Energy Technologies & Alternate Resources: Energy technology lifecycle

Emphasizing the importance of an innovative approach to energy sourcing, production and use, this module encourages participants to consider the economic, social and environmental cost-benefit alternative energy sources and innovative energy technologies.

Participants will be exposed to energy and energy-related R&D capacity and activity within the region, with opportunities to interact with current project proponents and participate in white board sessions with thought leaders.

Energy at Work: Putting it all together (case study)

Applying concepts and learning from the first five modules, participants will work in a group to analyze a current energy issue facing our region. The group will be asked to make recommendations for addressing the issue with consideration for various perspectives and constraints involved.

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