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Faculty of Arts
UNB Fredericton

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Our faculty, staff and instructors

Faculty in the Department of Psychology

Name Research area
Belu, Charlene Close relationships, sexual wellbeing, couples
Deibel, Scott Interplay between memory and circadian rhythms
D'Entremont, Barbara Autism, quality of life, high school transition, job satisfaction, lifespan
Hamilton, Ryan Sport, exercise, and performance psychology
LaChapelle, Diane Health and rehabilitation psychology
Lacroix, Emilie Body image and disordered eating
Olthuis, Janine Anxiety disorders, mental health interventions, physical activity
O'Sullivan, Lucia Sexual health, intimate relationships, adolescent and young adults
Palmer, Michael Applied behaviour analysis
Perunovic, Elaine Self-concept and identity, bilingualism and biculturalism
Poulin, Carmen Feminist psychology
Richards, Meghan

General psychiatry; adult psychodiagnostic assessment; adult and child psychoeducational assessment;  clinical intervention; clinical supervision

Ronis, Scott Child and adolescent emotional and behavioural problems, family systems, early sexual experiences
Sears, Heather Adolescent development, help-seeking behaviour, family and peer relationships
Stevanovski, Biljana Memory and attention, cognition, perception, emotion and attention
Voyer, Daniel Cognition, perception and individual differences
Whitford, Veronica Developmental cognitive psychology/neuroscience, psycholinguistics

Clinical associates

Clinical associates at UNB are typically professionals in practice in New Brunswick communities who make contributions to the clinical psychology PhD program via research supervision, workshops and/or teaching.

Name Employment setting
Ms. Melissa Arseneau Private practice, Fredericton
Ms. Diana Brown CFB Gagetown, Gagetown
Dr. Angela Burbridge Addiction and mental health services, child & youth team, Saint John
Dr. Hilary Cartwright Private practice, Fredericton
Dr. David Colquhoun Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital, Fredericton
Dr. Jean Craven Private practice, Saint John
Ms. Pendle Dewhirst Anglophone West School District, Moncton
Dr. Pamela Dodsworth Integrated Service Delivery Child and Youth Team, Hampton
Dr. Shannon Glenn Private practice, Fredericton
Dr. Rama Gupta-Rogers Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital, Fredericton
Dr. K. Troy Harker Private practice, Fredericton
Dr. Rebecca Mills Stan Cassidy Rehabilitation Centre, Fredericton
Ms. Amy Otteson Child and adolescent team, Community Mental Health Clinic, Fredericton
Dr. Treva Lynn Penny Private practice, Fredericton
Ms. Lise-Anne Renaud Operational Stress Injury Clinic, Fredericton
Ms. Laurel Richmond Private practice, Fredericton
Dr. Wendy Rogers CFB Gagetown Mental Health Services and private practice, Fredericton
Dr. Jo Anne Savoie Stan Cassidy Rehabilitation Centre, Fredericton
Dr. Joseph Trainor Stepping Stones Fundy Region Inc./Fundy Speech Pathology & Psychology Clinic, Saint John
Dr. Lorelei Walsh Park Private practice
Dr. Gael Wealleans Upper River Valley Hospital, Waterville

Stipend instructors