Faculty of Science, Applied Science and Engineering
Faculty Office: | Ganong Hall, Room 231 |
Mailing Address: | Faculty of Science, Applied Science and Engineering, University of New Brunswick, 100 Tucker Park Road, Saint John, N.B., Canada, E2L 4L5 |
Phone: | (506) 648-5615 |
Email: | sci-eng@unb.ca |
Website: | https://www.unb.ca/saintjohn/sase/ |
Dean: Dr. Michael van Zyll de Jong
Department of Biological Sciences
- Backman, Philip J., BSc (Dal), MSc (UND), Teaching Prof - 2012
- Chasse, Joel, Adjunct Prof - 2007
- Chopin, Thierry B. R., BSc (Lyon), MSc (Brest), DEA (Paris), PhD (Brest), Prof & Scientific Director of the Canadian Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture Network - 1989
- D'Aloia, Cassidy, Adjunct Prof - 2022
- Davies, Kimberley, BSc (Victoria), PhD (Dalhousie), Assoc Prof - 2021
- Dowding, Barbara, BSc, MSc (MUN), Teaching Prof - 2001
- Frego, Katherine, BSc (Winn), MSc (Manit), PhD (Tor) Prof Emerita - 2017
- Goodwin, Clare, Adjunct Prof - 2017
- Granger, Aaron, BSc, PhD (UNB), DUT, Assoc Teaching Prof - 2014
- Gray, Christopher, BSc (Univ College of Wales, Bangor), MSc Zoology, PhD Chemistry (Rhodes University, South Africa), Prof – 2016
- Houlahan, Jeff, BA (Carl), BSc, PhD (Ott), Prof & Chair - 2003
- Hunt, Heather, BSc, PhD (Dal), Prof - 2012
- Johnson, John, BSc, MSc, PhD (UNB), Prof Emeritus- 2019
- Kayser, Margaret, BSc, MSc, PhD (Ott), Honorary Research Assoc, Prof Emeritus - 2009
- Kieffer, James, BSc (Ott), MSc, PhD (Qu), Prof - 1996
- Kilada, Raouf, Adjunct Prof - 2017
- Lawton, Peter, Adjunct Prof - 2010
- MacDonald, Bruce A., BSc (Acad), MSc (UNB), PhD (MUN), Prof Emeritus - 2020
- Major, Heather, BsC (Dal), MSc (MUN), PhD (Simon Fraser), Assoc Prof - 2013
- McAlpine, Donald, Adjunct Prof - 2006
- McKenna, Myriam, BSc, MSc (Waterloo), PhD (Ottawa) (c), Asst Teaching Prof - 2022
- Page, Fred, Adjunct Prof - 2009
- Pavey, Scott, BSc (Colorado), MSc (Alaska), PhD (Simon Fraser), CRC and Prof - 2015
- Reid, Gregor, Adjunct Prof - 2013
- Reiman, Anthony, Visiting Research Professor - 2009
- Robinson, Shawn, Adjunct Prof - 2007
- Rochette, Rémy, BSc, PhD (Laval), Prof -2001
- Sainte-Marie, Bernard, Adjunct Prof – 2010
- Samways, Kurt, Research Associate and Canada Research Chair Parks Canada - 2019
- Sibley, Paul, Adjunct Prof - 2013
- Speers-Roesch, Ben, BSc, MSc (Guelph), PhD (UBC), Assoc Prof - 2016
- Stephenson, Robert, Adjunct Prof - 2010
- Terhune, John M., BScAgr, MSc (Guelph), Lic Scient (Aarhus), Prof Emeritus & Hon Research Prof - 2012
- Turnbull, Stephen D., BSc (Manit.), BEd, MSc, PhD (UNB), Teaching Prof - 1994
- Ugarte, Raul, Adjunct Prof - 2009
- Wilson, Lucy, BA (UNB), DEA, PhD (Univ.of Paris VI), Prof - 2011
- Xiao, Shaorong, Cert. In IT, MSc, PhD (C.Lancs), Teaching Prof – 2011
- Zimmer, Alex, BSc, PhD (McMaster), Asst Prof - 2022
Department of Computer Science
- Baker, Christopher, BSc (Univ of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK), PhD (Univ of Wales, UK), Prof - 2012
- Kim, Jong-Kyou, BCS, MCS, PhD (KAIST), Asst Prof - 2022
- Light, Janet, BEng (Madras), MEng (Bharathiar), PhD (Avinashilingam), Prof - 2012
- Mahanti, Prabhat, BSc (Calc), MSc, PhD (Indian Inst. of Technology), Prof - 2001
- Shaw, Ruth, BScDA, MScCS, PhD (UNB), Prof Emerita - 2020
- Tasse, Josee, BScCS (Montr), PhD (McG), Assoc Prof & Chair - 1997
Department of Engineering
- Abujayyab, Sadi, BScE (NED-Pakistan), Asst Teaching Prof - 2021
- Alderson, C. Hope, BSc (UPEI), MSc, PhD (UWO), Teaching Prof - 2023
- Alkomy, Hassan, BSc, MSc (Alexandria, Egypt), PhD (YorkU, Canada) EIT, Asst Prof - 2023
- Asif, Zunaria, BSc, MSc (PK), PhD (Concordia, Canada), EIT, Asst Prof - 2023
- Christie, James S., BScE, MScE, PhD (UNB), PEng, Hon Research Prof - 1989
- Cotter, G. Terrance, BScE, MScE (UNB), PhD (Purdue), PEng, Hon Research Prof - 1972
- Emara, Ahmed, BEng (Cairo, Egypt), MBA (UK), Asst Teaching Professor - 2023
- Gadoura, Idris, BSCE (Libya), MSCE, PhD (HUT, Finland), PEng, Teaching Prof & Chair – 2006
- Hassan, Ikrema, BScE (U of K, Sudan), MScE (U of K, Suda), MScE (Lakehead U, Canada), PhD (UWO, Canada), P.Eng., Asst Prof - 2022
- Hyder, Umme Sharmeen, BSc (BUET, BD), MBA (NSU, BD), MASc (TMU, Canada), PhD (TMU, Canada), EIT, Assistant Prof - 2024
- Kwok, Michelle, BASc (UofO), MSc (TCD, Ireland), MSc (UGent, Belgium), MIT, DUT, Asst Teaching Prof - 2021
- Prasad, Ramesh C., BScE (BhU), MTech (IIT), MScE, PhD (UNB), PEng, Hon Research Prof - 1982
- Riley, Peregrine, BScE (Qu), PhD (UNB), PEng, Teaching Prof - 1986
- Roach, Dale, BScEng, PhD (UNB), PEng, DUT, Teaching Prof - 2000
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- Alderson, C. Hope, BSc (UPEI), MSc, PhD (UWO), Teaching Prof - 2023
- Alderson, Timothy, BSc, MSc, PhD (UWO), Prof - 2010
- Brown, Maggie, BSc (UNB), MSc, IDPhD (Dal), Asst Prof - 2022
- Burgess, Andrea, BA, MSc (MUN), PhD (Ottawa), Prof - 2024
- Gupta, Rameshwar D., BSc, MSc (Meerut), MA, PhD (Dal), Prof Emeritus - 2010
- Hamdan, Mohammad, BSc, MSc, PhD (Windsor), Prof -1991
- McKay, Rebecca, BSc (MUN), MSc, PhD (Dal), Teaching Prof - 2016
- Spicker, Dylan, BCom (Queen's), MMath, PhD (Waterloo), Asst Prof - 2023
- Stephenson, Matthew, BSc, MSc, PhD, Adjunct Prof - 2023
- Stewart, Connie, BSc (UNB), MSc (Dal), PhD (Dal), Prof & Chair – 2020
- Tsagris, Michail, BSc, MSc (Athens), PhD (Nottingham), Adjunct Prof - 2022
Department of Psychology
- Best, Lisa, BA (York), MA (Arkansas Little Rock), PhD (Maine), Professor - 2014
- Both, Lilly, BA (Manitoba), MA (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo), Associate Professor - 2004
- Brunelle, Caroline, BA (Laval), PhD (McGill), Professor - 2019
- Campbell, Mary Ann, BA (Dalhousie), MA (Lakehead), PhD (Dalhousie), Professor & Chair - 2015
- DiTommaso, Enrico, BA (McGill), MA, PhD (UNB), Professor - 2008
- McGuire, Kathy, BA (UNB), Med (UNB), MA (UNB), Teaching Professor - 2012
- Morris, Vanessa, BA (Waterloo), PhD (McMaster), Assistant Teaching Professor - 2022
- Roach, Sean, BSc (Cape Breton), MSc (Dalhousie), PhD (Dalhousie), Associate Professor - 2022
- Speed, David, BA (Brock), MA (Memorial), PhD (Memorial), Associate Professor - 2022
- Wilbiks, Jonathan, HBSc (Toronto), MA (Sheffield) MA (Ryerson), PhD (Ryerson), Associate Professor - 2021
- Logan, Alan, BSc, PhD (Dunelm), Prof Emeritus - 1998
Nursing and Health Sciences
- Banks, Angela, BN (UNB), MN (UNB), Diploma in University Teaching (UNB), Assoc Teaching Prof - 2021
- Doucet, Shelley, BN (UNB), MScN (UWO), PhD (UNB), Jarislowsky Chair in Interprofessional Patient-Centred Care, Professor - 2021
- Dupont, Diana, BN (UNB), MN (UNB), Assoc Teaching Prof - 2021
- Edwards, Rosanne, BA (U of Ottawa), BSCN (U of Ottawa), MSCN (U of Ottawa), PhD (U of Ottawa), Asst Prof - 2020
- Furlong, Karen, RN Dip (SJSN), BN (UNB), MN (UNB), PhD (UNB), Diploma University Teaching (UNB), Senior Teaching Associate – 2000
- Gregg, Emily, BN, MN (UNB), PhD (c) (Queen’s University), Assoc Teaching Prof - 2022
- Hamilton, Catherine, BSN (Duke University), Certified Nurse-Midwife, MSc (Yale University), ARNP, MSN, PhD, (University of Florida), Asst Prof & Chair - 2019
- Hatfield, Meagan BN(UNB), MN (Athabasca University), DUT (UNB), Assoc Teaching Prof - 2021
- Keeping-Burke, Lisa, BN (MUN), MN (MUN), PhD (McG), Associate Professor, Associate Dean of Health Research - 2012
- Mawhinney, Kathleen BN (UNB), MN (UNB), Diploma in University Teaching (UNB), Senior Teaching Associate - 2020
- McCloskey, Rose, BSc (Acad.), RN Dip (Hfx.Inf.SN), BN (UNB), Diploma in Adult Ed. (St FX), MN (UNB), PhD (UNB), CNA Certification Gerontology Diploma University Teaching (UNB), Professor - 2000
- Pastirik, Pamela, BN (UNB), MSN (UBC), CNA Certification Perinatal Nursing, Senior Teaching Associate - 2002
- Shamputa, Isdore Chola, BSc (UNZA), MSc, PhD (VUB), Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow 2007-2011 (NIH), BScN 2015 (Dal), Certification in Microbiology (Canadian College of Microbiologists), Assoc Prof - 2022
- Simpson, Catharine, BN (UNB), MN (Athabasca University), DUT (UNB), Assoc Teaching Prof - 2021
- Waycott, Loretta, BA (STU), BN (UNB), MN (Athabasca University), DUT (UNB), Assoc Teaching Prof -2021
The Faculty of Science, Applied Science and Engineering (SASE) offers the following degrees: Bachelor of Health Science, Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Economics, and Bachelor of Science in Engineering. Within these programs are a variety of majors, honours, and specialization options that allow students to focus on a particular field. Students also have the opportunity to explore interests with a variety of minor and certificate programs. Co-operative education is available in some programs that enable students to combine academic studies with work terms. Details about each of these options is located in Section E: Saint John Academic Programs section of the Calendar under Degree information.
In the Faculty of Science, Applied Science and Engineering, the minimum acceptable grade in a required course or course being used as a prerequisite is normally a grade of "C". Any student who fails to obtain a "C" or better in such a course must repeat the course (at the next regular session) until a grade of "C" or better is attained. Students will not be eligible for graduation until such deficiencies are removed. Some programs may have additional grade requirements. Please see specific degree programs for further information.
Students are strongly recommended to read the University-wide Regulations, Section III of this Calendar, and in particular the subsection headed Grading and Classification. Any point not covered in the following regulations will be governed by the General University Regulations.
Minor programs are offered to broaden a student's educational background and complement a Major or Honours program. Students in degree programs who complete the requirements for approved minor programs at UNB, will receive recognition of the minor upon completion of the respective degree program. Minors follow the University guidelines outlined in Section B.V of the Undergraduate Calendar and consist of a sequential and coherent grouping of courses totalling at least 24 credit hours (with a grade of C or better) as approved by the department offering the Minor. Science Minors are offered in the disciplines of Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Health Science, Psychology, Mathematics and Statistics.