
Throughout the year, UNB Sustainability, alongside various campus groups, hosts a variety of sustainability-focused events. We invite everyone to get involved and be part of our community’s efforts toward a more sustainable future.


Monday, Jan. 27 - Sunday, Feb. 9, 2025

UNB Sustainability partners with the Residence team to host the Residence Energy Challenge (REC). The REC is a two-week competition between residences to reduce their energy consumption.

UNB Sustainability will track the energy consumption of each residence in the two weeks leading up to the REC to create a baseline for each residence. The residence on each campus with the largest percentage reduction from their baseline consumption will win a pizza party.

Effective tips for reducing energy consumption

  • Turn off the lights and use natural light: One of the easiest things to do to reduce your energy consumption is to ensure all lights – your room, the washrooms and common rooms - are turned off when they are not in use. You can reduce your energy consumption further by only using lights when needed. Most residence rooms receive a significant amount of sunlight throughout the day, so try opening your blinds and taking advantage of natural sunlight when working and hanging out in your room.

  • Turn off computers and set energy-saving functions: With the vast majority of students owning personal laptops and having a lifestyle in which they use their laptops for several hours a day, the energy needed to power the laptops in our residences is tremendous. Although using your laptop is often necessary, it is also important that you shut it off and set the energy-saving functions for when it is not in use. When energy-saving functions like sleep mode are set, laptops use approximately 84% less energy. Please also note that screensavers are not an energy-saving function; they actually use about the same energy as when the laptop is in use.

  • Take shorter showers: Five minutes in a standard shower can use approximately 100 litres of water and it takes a large amount of energy to heat that water. Taking shorter showers and using less hot water can dramatically reduce energy and water use.

  • Do your laundry using cold water: Most of the energy consumed by laundry machines is put into heating the water, so doing your laundry with cold water saves a lot of energy. Combining loads of laundry can also save energy and water.

  • Use a drying rack instead of the dryer: A dryer consumes anywhere from 4 to 6 kWh of electricity, while using a clothesline or drying rack uses no electricity.

  • Use small appliances less often: Small appliances like kettles and hairdryers are very energy-intensive, so try to use them less often when you can.

  • Unplug your mini-fridge (as applicable): A mini-fridge can account for over half the energy usage in the average residence room. Therefore, one of the most significant contributions you can make to reduce your energy consumption is to unplug your mini-fridge when you aren't using it, such as on weekends or over reading week if you're heading home and won't be on campus. You could also consider teaming up with your neighbours and sharing a fridge.

  • Talk: Talk with your neighbours about how you could save even more energy - you will probably come up with some creative ideas that are a lot of fun!

Code of conduct

  • Do not tamper with motion detectors or other fixed building equipment.
  • Do not do anything that will impact campus infrastructure or agreements.
  • Do not remove any florescent tubes in hallway lighting.
  • If you are found sabotaging others’ efforts, your residence will be disqualified.
  • Remember your residence code of conduct and rules while participating in the challenge.

This code of conduct is to make the challenge fun while ensuring that safety standards and fair play are maintained.

Sustainable Development Goals Week Canada (SDG Week Canada) is a national collaboration to increase awareness and egagement with the 17 United Nations SDGs on college and university campuses in Canada.

SDG Week Canada is led by the Sustainability Hub at UBC, SDSN Canada at the University of Waterloo, and Colleges and Institutes Canada.

UNB Sustainability and various groups on both our campuses host a variety of events all month long.

The purpose of this month and these events is to educate and engage the UNB community in environmental, social and economic sustainability.

We hope participants learn something new so they can live more sustainably on campus, as well as in the community and at home.

Make your events more sustainable

Communication and promotion

  • Promote your event as digitally as possible (avoid printing tickets, posters and other materials that could be digital).

Transportation and energy

  • Encourage attendees to take active or public transportation to your event or to carpool.
  • Adjust or lower the lighting at the venue and utlilize natural light when possible.


  • If you will be ordering food for your event, consider ordering vegan, vegetarian and / or local food.

Waste management

  • Locate and encourage the use of the recycling bins at your venue.
  • Request reusable dishes and cutlery. If your event is on campus and being catered by Chartwells, you can request their china service (and undergraduate students on the Fredericton campus can use the Student Sustainability Fund to help pay for this service).
  • Request pitchers of beverages instead of individual bottles or cans, and request that any condiments and spices be provided in bulk dispensers rather than in indiviudal packets.
  • If you will be providing guest speakers or attendees with prizes or gifts, consider getting them something practical and reuseable from a small or local business.
  • Encourage attendees to bring their own reusable mug or dishes to your event when appropriate.

Partners and sponsors

  • Seek local vendors or service providers as partners and sponsors for events. It is even better if these partners and sponsors are sustainability minded.

Reduce barriers to participation

  • Deliver a land acknowledgment, and make sure that event participants are aware of the land that you are gathered on.
  • Consider the diversity of your planning committee, and what voices might be missing from your event.
  • Have an accessibility accommodations request form or question built-in to event registration.
  • If your event has an entry fee, implement a sliding scale or “pay what you can” system that considers the diverse economic positions of potential participants.

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