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Faculty of Nursing
UNB Fredericton

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Applying to the Master of Nursing program

Please review the admission requirements before submitting an application.

Applications for all Master of Nursing streams are made online through the School of Graduate Studies

Students who intend apply to the Thesis/Report stream of the Master of Nursing program must choose the “Standard Option” from the drop-down menu on the online application.

Applicants are admitted to the Nurse Practitioner stream every second year (i.e. 2023, 2025, 2027, etc.)

Application deadline

Applicants are encouraged to begin the application process early. The deadline for completed applications is Jan. 15.

Application review process

The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) will forward the completed application package to the Nursing Graduate Academic Unit (GAU) for consideration. All applications are reviewed by the Nursing GAU Advisory Committee which makes recommendations for admissions to the SGS who will make the final admission decisions.

Admission notification

The Nursing Graduate Academic Unit will informally notify applicants of their recommendations to the School of Graduate Studies (SGS). The SGS will issue the formal certificate of acceptance. Students can expect informal notification of the status of their application by March.

Accept your offer

After you receive notice of acceptance, the next step is to confirm that you will be attending UNB by paying your admission deposit. The $350 deposit will be credited to your account when you begin your studies in the fall. The deadline for you to confirm your offer of admission is May 15 (unless otherwise specified).

Log in to your UNB application account with your personal email and password to pay your deposit by selecting “Action Required.” Note that accepting your offer of admission must be followed by your admission deposit payment to confirm your seat in your program.

Securing a supervisor

Thesis/Report supervisors are not assigned upon acceptance to the Master of Nursing program however students are expected to identify their choice of top three supervisors on admission. You can find more information about securing a supervisor in the graduate student handbook.

Next steps

Begin your master's program at UNB