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Faculty of Management
UNB Fredericton

Back to International Business & Entrepreneurship Centre

Enactus UNB

Enactus UNB is a dynamic community of student leaders who believe in the transformative power of business to address social challenges.

Real-world impact: Enactus UNB provides students with hands-on opportunities to create meaningful change in their local community. Through practical projects, students apply their entrepreneurial skills to solve real-world problems.

Volunteer recognition: Employers recognize the dedication and commitment of Enactus UNB members. At the end of each year, students receive a certificate for their volunteer efforts, enhancing their LinkedIn profiles and resumes.

Exclusive privileges: Enactus UNB members enjoy unique privileges, including access to renowned partners such as Canadian Tire, Scotia Bank and Samsung. These partnerships open doors to exclusive events and networking opportunities with industry executives and recruiters.

Global competitions: Enactus UNB teams have an exciting chance to travel and compete. Representing their institution, they participate in regional, national, and global competitions, showcasing their innovative solutions and entrepreneurial spirit.

Join Enactus UNB and be part of a community that combines business acumen with social impact.

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