Celebrating teaching excellence

University of New Brunswick is proud of its 225-year history of teaching excellence, engaging students in new and innovative ways since our institution was established.

The tradition continues today with multiple teaching award winners sharing their passion with students and keeping the experience fresh every year. Whether it is the national 3M Teaching Fellowship, recognition from the Association of Atlantic Universities, or a local award, we are building a strong teaching tradition.

Teaching awards

Every year faculty and instructors who are doing an outstanding job are recognized with teaching awards. Curious about who has won recent awards? We have a list of award recipients from the last 10 years, and you'll see that it includes winners from nearly every faculty and department. Many of these have gone on to be recognized on the regional or national stage.

Once per year, CETL publishes a booklet celebrating teaching award winners. Find out what drives our award recipients to higher levels of engagement with their students.