General information

Faculty of Business

Office: Oland Hall 215
Phone: 506-648-5570

Website: Faculty of Business

Faculty of Business
University of New Brunswick
Saint John, N.B.
Canada, E2L 4L5

Related information

Note: For faculty listing, please see Bachelor of Business Administration program section.

An articulation agreement is a formal, systematic, written collaboration between two institutions designed to identify block transfer credits and to clarify requirements to facilitate student transfers between the two institutions. These agreements are approved by the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission and are regularly updated to reflect any changes in curriculum or requirements at the institutions involved.

The Faculty of Business at UNB Saint John offers articulated programs in Accounting and General Business leading to the Bachelor of Applied Management (BAM). Students first earn a diploma from a participating community college and then enter the third year of the BAM at UNB Saint John.

The programs are designed to offer students the opportunity to experience two very different types of learning environments while they develop proficiency in both the theoretical and applied areas of their chosen fields.

I. University Regulations on Admission and Academic Regulations

Students are strongly advised to read the General University Regulations, Section B of this Calendar, and in particular the subsection headed "Grading System and Classification". The General University Regulations will govern any point not covered in the regulations that follow. Questions concerning the application of regulations should be directed to the Registrar.

II. BAM regulations for students in the degree programs

The regulations in respect to the BAM degree are expressed in terms of letter grades, credit hours and grade point averages. These are explained in Section B of the Calendar. In order to take a BA or HTM course that has a prerequisite, students must earn a C or better in the prerequisite course(s), regardless of the program in which the student is registered.

Note: A grade of C or better is necessary in all required and elective courses (including work term reports, where applicable). A grade of D or better is necessary for all options.

The number of credit hours assigned each course is stated in Section F of this Calendar. (In most cases the Faculty of Business assigns a 6 ch weight to a two-term course and a 3 ch weight to a term course). Due to differences in the methods used by the various Faculties in the calculation of credit hours, students who elect to register for courses taught outside of the Faculty of Business should note the following:

  1. For purposes of the BAM degree, any course taught outside of the Faculty of Business, which has a course number ending in zero (0) and which is taught over the full academic year, will receive the number of credit hours normally assigned by the Faculty in which the course is taught, up to a maximum of 6.
  2. For purposes of the BAM degree, any course taught outside of the Faculty of Business, which has a course number ending in other than zero (0) and which is offered in one term of the academic year, will receive the number of credit hours normally assigned by the Faculty in which the course is taught, up to a maximum of 3. Normally courses of less than 3 credit hours will not be considered for credit.
  3. Students may take up to 3 one-credit hour courses of an academic nature during their program.

  1. See Section B of this Calendar for detailed regulations on standing and promotion requirements.
  2. A student who has been registered in the BAM program and who withdrew while on probation or who was required to withdraw from the program will not be eligible to re-enter the program without the approval of the Faculty of Business.
  3. To earn the BAM degree, a student must successfully complete at least 60 ch in approved courses at UNB and must achieve a minimum grade of C in all courses designated as required or elective.

The University regulations in respect to students transferring to the BAM degree program from another UNB degree program and students transferring to UNB from another university or post-secondary institution are stated in the General Regulations of the University.

Course credits may only be transferred from another university when the grade is equivalent to at least a C at UNB.

At least half the credit hours for the BAM degree must be taken at UNB and must normally include all the required courses in the BAM degree program. (Students may be permitted to take some of these courses elsewhere with the prior permission of the Faculty of Business and the Registrar.)

Improvements in the BAM program may lead to changes in the requirements for the degree. The University reserves the right to require candidates already enrolled to meet the revised requirements.

The normal course load for students in the BAM program will be five courses per term. Students with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 may, with the written permission of the Manager of Undergraduate Programs or the Assistant Dean, take a maximum of six courses in a given term.

A student who fails to obtain a grade of C or better in a required course must retake the course as soon as it becomes available during a session in which the student is in attendance.

A student may take a course a maximum of three times (including Ws but excluding courses which are designated with the “#” notation). Beyond that, the student must obtain the permission of the Dean of the student’s Faculty to register again in the repeated course. See University Regulations Section I. E.

Students are responsible for ensuring that they meet all the requirements specified for the degree. These include the minimum credit hour requirements, minimum grade point averages, minimum grades in specified courses, successful completion of all specifically required courses, and compliance with the restrictions on elective and option courses.

Students are advised to consult Saint John Courses section of this Calendar for detailed course descriptions, including the number of credit hours assigned to each course.

Minors in specific business disciplines are not offered. The Faculty of Business will accept all minors as laid out by the offering faculty except as noted below. Students should note that pursuing a minor may require them to complete more than the minimum number of credit hours required for the BAM degree. Compulsory or required courses in a student’s degree program normally may not form part of the Minor.

a. A minor in Economics will be awarded to BAM students who achieve a minimum grade of C in:

i. ECON 2013 and ECON 2023, and
ii. any additional 9 ch in upper level Economics courses. (ECON 2103 and ECON 3114 are recommended for 6 of the 9 ch).

b. A minor in Mathematics will be awarded to BAM students who achieve a minimum grade of C in:

i. MATH 1003, MATH 1013, and either MATH 1503 or MATH 2213, and
ii. an additional 15 ch in Math courses at second year level or above. Maximum 6 ch of approved substitutes may be allowed in consultation with the Department of Mathematical Sciences.

BAM students may earn concentrations as outlined in the regulations for the BBA degree under Section E.VIII.J of this calendar. Students should note that pursuing a concentration may require them to complete more than the minimum number of credit hours required for the BAM degree. Compulsory or required courses in a student’s degree program normally may not form part of the concentration.

This program is designed to add value to students’ degrees by allowing for participation in the activities required to complete the certificate program. These requirements will include academic course work available as part of the degree program as well as community volunteerism and professional development activities. The certificate program offers students the opportunity to differentiate themselves from other business graduates through professional development, leadership growth, community involvement and networking activities.

The program will consist of four specific academic courses, 40 hours/term for 4 terms of volunteer service in the PALS program, 3 workshops, 1 PALS training course.


  • Open to BBA and BAM students who will be entering their 3rd year of the program.
  • Applicants must have a CGPA of 2.7 or higher.
  • Applicants must present a combination of academic success, community service and other extra-curricular activities.


  • Complete and submit an application form.
  • Submit a statement outlining your interest in the program and explaining your vision of the role of community leaders.
  • Submit a resume detailing community service and extra-curricular activities you have been or currently are involved in.
  • Submit an unofficial transcript.

Continued participation in the program after acceptance requires student to maintain a CGPA of 2.7 or higher. Enrolment in the program will be limited to a maximum of 15 students each year.

III. Degree standing on graduation

At graduation all successful candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Applied Management shall be listed in alphabetical order within the appropriate degree category as stated below:

Distinction: A student who attains a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.8 over the final 60 ch of course work and no grade less than B- (2.7) over the final 60 ch of course work shall graduate with Distinction.

First Division: A student who attains a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5 shall graduate in First Division.

Second Division: A student who attains a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 but less than 3.5 shall graduate in Second Division.

Third Division: A student who attains a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.5 shall graduate in Third Division.

IV. Bachelor of Applied Management curriculum degree requirements

Elective and option courses for all BAM programs may be chosen from the following:

Humanities and Languages: Classics, English, French, German, Greek, History, Humanities, Latin, Philosophy, Spanish (or other courses as approved by the Faculty of Business)

Social Sciences: Communication Studies, Gender Studies, Geography, International Studies, Linguistics, Politics, Psychology, Social Science, Sociology (or other courses as approved by the Faculty of Business)

Business: All courses prefixed with BA which are not listed as required for specific BAM programs

Other: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Geology, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Information Technology, Mathematics, Physics, Science, or other courses as approved by the Faculty of Business.

It is the responsibility of students to ascertain that their elective and option courses are acceptable for BAM degree credit. Credit will not be granted for CHEM 1831, CS 1703, ECON 1004, ESL 1301, ESL 1302, ESL 1303, FREN 1103, MATH 1863, MATH 2633, MATH 3633 or PSYC 1273 in the BAM program. Credit will be granted for only one of MATH 1001, MATH 1003, MATH 1823, or MATH 2853.

Students enrolled in a degree or certificate program under the aegis of the Faculty of Business are not to register in the following courses or similar courses without prior permission of the Faculty of Business: PSYC 2102, PSYC 2901, PSYC 3913, STAT 1793, STAT 2263STAT 2593, or STAT 2793 (The content of these courses is similar to required or optional BBA or BAM courses).

Note: Students should contact the Faculty of Business at the beginning of each regular academic year for a revised list of courses in this category.