Academic ESL

ESL1303Academic Writing and Research0 ch (3C)

This course is designed for students who need to develop more proficient skills in English academic writing. ESL1303 teaches students to write clearly and effectively in English, a skill that is transferable and necessary to success in any academic discipline. This course requires students to complete a number of short writing assignments every week, as well as a large research essay at the end of the term. Students are taught how to brainstorm clear ideas, how to organize these ideas into useful outlines, and how to make these outlines into effective and coherent essays. Instruction in how to appropriately use academic style in writing (APA style), how to document sources properly, as well as how to integrate scholarly research into academic essays using paraphrasing, summarizing, and quotations is also included.

Prerequisite: IELTS 6.0 (or equivalent) or successful completion of Level 5 of Saint John College's English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Program