Learning communities

Any student can participate in a Learning Community. Professors who are interested in having their course participate are asked to email unbsjreg@unb.ca.

How to participate

The Learning Community program will commence in the Fall term at the UNB Saint John campus.

This program will consist of multiple modules delivered through the term. Student attendance across the modules will be tracked.

Check back soon for more information on the specific schedule, approved courses and modules.


How to join

Show up. No registration is required. Just attend the meetings and participate at the posted times.

There are multiple time slots per week. These sessions have the same topic but may vary in approach. You are welcome to attend more than one session if you wish.

Should we be forced to use Teams, meeting links will be available on the day of the session in the appropriate “day” channel – but the time and day of the week will not change.

Sticking to a time slot throughout the program increases your chances of making deeper connections with other students, while attending different time slots can make it easier to meet more people, the choice is yours.

Bonus points

You can get up to 4% added to your final grade in a participating course based on your attendance:

  • 3 or 4 different modules: 4 bonus points
  • 3 different modules: 3 bonus points
  • Fewer than 3 mandatory modules: no bonus points

Points must be applied to a single participating course. You cannot divide your bonus points between two or more courses. They cannot be used to move from a failing grade to a passing grade.

If you are uncertain about your attendance, it is your responsibility to check with the Learning Community Leaders outside the normal tutorial time. Decisions regarding attendance are final. Instructors and advisors are not involved in any way with the day-to-day running of the Learning Community and will not be involved in attendance or tutorial procedures.