18. Confidentiality, security and release of student academic records

The phrase ―official academic record when used in these policies means the information concerning admission and academic performance of students as it is contained in any record of information however recorded or stored. 

(a) The official academic records of students are the property of the University.

(b) The Registrars and any designated officer, where applicable, will retain the custody of the official student academic records, however recorded or stored, in the Office of the Registrar, the School of Graduate Studies, Integrated Technology Services, and the Faculty of Law -- all of the University of New Brunswick Fredericton and Saint John (the University) -- and will be responsible for their security and maintenance.

(c) Students desiring to have their names changed on their official student record, be it by means of alteration, deletion, substitution or addition, must submit appropriate supporting documentation.

(d) Release of Information

  • (i) Except as provided herein, official academic records are confidential and will not be divulged to any third party, including parents or guardians, except as noted in this statement, without the written consent of the student concerned being first obtained.
  • (ii) Students have the right to official copies of their University of New Brunswick transcripts of record.  Official transcripts issued to students are indicated as such on the transcript. Any request forms must be completed, signed and submitted to the appropriate Registrar’s office with the required fee.  Transcripts and degree parchments will be withheld for students, including former students, who have failed to meet their financial obligations to the University. Students have the right to access their transcripts of record as held in the computerized files and to print unofficial copies of their transcripts of record.
  • (iii) Partial transcripts will not be issued.
  • (iv) Transcripts or personal information contained in the official student records will only be released in accordance with University policy as follows: (a) Where the person to whom the information relates has identified that information in particular and has consented to its disclosure; (b) For the purpose for which it was obtained or compiled or for a purpose consistent therewith; (c) To an officer or employee of the University who needs the record in the performance of his or her duties; (d) For the purpose of complying with a requirement to provide information lawfully imposed upon the University by a federal/provincial government authority; (e) Where disclosure is necessary to aid in the investigation of allegations that individuals have made false statements or engaged in other misleading conduct concerning their attendance or performance or status within or completion of an academic program of the University; (f) In compelling circumstances affecting the health or safety of an individual, if, upon disclosure, notification thereof is mailed to the last known address of the individual to whom the information relates; (g) In compassionate circumstances, to facilitate contact with the next of kin or a friend of an individual who is injured, ill or deceased; or (h) To a person who has been authorized by the individual to whom the information related to make an enquiry on that individual’s behalf or, where that individual is incapacitated, has been authorized by the next of kin or legal representative of that individual.
  • (v) The Campus Registrar may authorize access to academic records for the purpose of research. Students of the University may examine their personal official academic records held in paper files, with the exception of letters of reference provided to the University in confidence.  A member of the Registrar’s Office or a designated officer on the campus where the record is held will be present during such an inspection.  Students may examine letters of reference or other information provided to the University in confidence only with the written permission of the referee or writer being first obtained and received by the appropriate Registrar or designated officer holding the file.
  • (vi) The Office of the Registrar will not normally provide students or third parties, except as noted below, with copies of documents on file, such as transcripts from other institutions, or correspondence provided to the University in confidence. In the case of a request for copies of documents made to a Campus Registrar’s office, an exception may be made in severe situations such as where an international student is unable to obtain copies of original documents.  If the request is approved, the Registrar will authorize copies of such documents on file be forwarded to another institution; these copies will be marked ―copy of original documents‖.
  • (vii) The University considers certain information, that is, a student s name, dates of university attendance, verification of degrees obtained, to be public information. Such information may be disclosed by the Campus Registrar or designated officer without the consent of the student. Students who object to the release of such information will notify the Registrar of the campus where the information is held, in writing, giving the specific objection or objections. The Registrar will then determine what action, it any, will be taken and advise the student and the designated Officer where necessary.
  • (viii) The University routinely releases student e-mail identifiers while the student is enrolled at the University. Students who object to such release must notify the Campus Registrar.

Faculty members and members of the staff of the University will have access to academic records as may be required in the performance of their duties, on their understanding that such information will not be released to others except as may be permitted under the Statement on Confidentiality, and Access to Institutional Records.