Returning from abroad

Reintegrating after your trip

We expect you to contribute to the student abroad program by promoting it to other students. You can participate in the reentry program to reflect and provide feedback on your experiences.

Social media guidelines

We expect you to help promote the program to other UNB students! Follow these general guidelines for social media use while you’re away.


Tweet about your experiences and what you found interesting, like food, music or architecture! Use proper hashtags and include our handle, @UNBabroad in your tweets so we can find your posts! This will also help to bring other students to our account!


The only limit is your imagination! Take a picture and tag us, unb.studentabroad, so other students can visit our account!


We want to share your experiences with our readers by giving you the opportunity to blog! A post doesn’t have to a novel; a picture and one to three paragraphs are enough. You can aim to have a post published once a month, but we encourage you to blog as much as possible.

Upon your return

Talk to your friends and classmates and encourage them to explore the world while they’re completing their degree!