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Faculty of Kinesiology
UNB Fredericton

Back to PEADS Lab

About the lab

The PEADS laboratory at the University of New Brunswick is one of the few labs in Canada that works with vulnerable populations such as pregnant women and infants by exploring nutrition and physical activity (as exposures) and breastmilk and the gut microbiome composition (as mediators) in the context of obesity development.

It employs clinical research, basic science, and qualitative and quantitative methods to answer a variety of research questions (see Projects). It uniquely uses state-of-the-art equipment, such as air-displacement plethysmography, exercise testing, and breastmilk analyzers to ultimately lead innovations that will break the intergenerational transmission of obesity.

The PEADS laboratory is led by Dr. Maryam Kebbe. For collaboration enquiries, please contact Dr. Kebbe at

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