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Master's co-op

The Masters Co-op degree is an option for students enrolled in the Masters of Computer Science (MCS) or the Masters of Computer Science by Coursework (MCSC).

The co-op program exposes students to the latest technologies and to advanced work in an applied setting. Students in co-op placements will:

  • Use novel or advanced technologies
  • Make use of their high-level analytical skills
  • Work more independently than in the typical undergraduate co-op position

The identification of suitable placements will be made by the co-op coordinator in conjunction with the director of co-op. Placements do not have to be related to the MCS student's thesis work, but such connections are possible and encouraged.

Work term regulations

To receive the co-op designation with an MCS or MCSC degree, students must complete a minimum of two work terms (eight months).  Master’s students may combine two work terms so they can work eight consecutive months before returning to UNB. MCSC students planning to work eight consecutive months are required to begin working in January or May since the faculty does not teach grad courses during the summer term.

Application for the first work term is normally made no earlier than the student's second term of study, in order to assess the student's standing in the graduate program. The final work term cannot be the final term of the student's program. The schedule of work terms is subject to approval by the MCS student's supervisor (or the director of graduate studies if the student has no supervisor). The director of graduate studies approves the schedule of work terms for all MCSC students.


MCS and MCSC students must be in good standing in the graduate program, must have a cumulative GPA for computer science graduate courses be greater than or equal to 3.3, and must receive written permission from their supervisor (for MCS students) or the director of graduate studies (for MCSC students). Where an MCS student does not have a supervisor they must receive permission from the director of graduate studies. MCSC students must be enrolled in three courses per semester to be assessed for co-op eligibility.

If an MCS or MCSC student is required to enroll in AESL 6021 or equivalent to improve their English competency, the student must successfully complete these requirements before they are eligible to apply for a co-op work term.

Information about the co-op program is made available to students by the co-op coordinator at an information session held early in the first term or early in the second term of study.

Workshops for students intending to enter the co-op program are scheduled at various times during the year. These sessions will deal with such topics as appropriate workplace behaviour, resume writing, interview techniques, employer-employee relations, experiences of past employers and students, etc. These sessions may involve the co-op coordinator, co-op director, senior co-op students, employers, or other appropriate persons. Attendance at the workshops is expected of all students hoping to enter the program. The exact format and dates of the sessions will be announced early in September and January.

There is no guarantee that all applicants will be successful in securing a co-op position. An applicant becomes a co-op student only after obtaining their first work term placement.

While co-op applicants are normally required to meet the above academic requirements, they should also exhibit the personality traits and personal conduct that would indicate their suitability for working in a professional environment which is often team-oriented.

Co-op students must be legally entitled to employment in Canada. The student must be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant or hold a valid work permit to legally qualify for employment in this program. Some federal and provincial government jobs demand Canadian citizenship and may therefore consider landed immigrants or work permit holders to be ineligible for their jobs.