We can provide training on many different types of technologies. You can schedule individual or group training sessions in the room you plan to use. It is recommended that you make your training reservation at least one business day in advance to ensure we will have staff available
Training is available for audiovisual equipment, UNB smart classrooms and interactive whiteboards.
Contact classroom@unb.ca to schedule a training session.
Support operators will be paid through CETL, with a charge-back to your faculty or departmental account (or external event). Note that there is a 3-hour minimum on all operators. Confirmation from Classroom Support is required before any operator is scheduled.
If GAF tape is required there is a minimum $10 charge to a maximum of $50, depending on requirements.
Unforeseen technical failures can occur. In these cases, equipment may need to be repaired or replaced. We currently do not provide technical repair outside of normal working hours. As such, our support operators may not be able to resolve every issue or failure. They will attempt an alternative arrangement to ensure your event continues (e.g. a portable projector and screen).
If you are interested in becoming a CTS Student Operator, contact classroom@unb.ca.