Booking exams | UNB

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College of Extended Learning

Booking exams

When you are ready to complete your exam(s) (midterm/final) and are unsure on how to proceed, please check one of the following avenues for more information about exam procedures:

  • Does your D2L course have a "Course Exam Guide"? If so, please follow the instructions found within.
  • Check your course Syllabus, or contact your course Instructor.
  • Should you have any other questions, or cannot find the information you are looking for, please email

Photograph of a keyboard with an exam button

Unable to attend a scheduled exam

The office is permitted to reschedule any exam that is not indicated as a "Final Exam" (such as "Midterm", "Exam #"). If you must reschedule, please notify and your instructor in writing prior to your scheduled exam date.

For all scheduled “Final Exams", you must apply for a deferred exam. A student, by reason of illness or extenuating circumstances (supported by health certificates or other supporting documentation), that is unable to write a scheduled final exam may apply to UNB’s Registrar's Office within two weeks of the scheduled final exam to request a deferred exam (final exams written at an alternate time).

UNB Exam Deferral Process:

The above regulation and application process also applies to students who become ill during a final exam.

Young man looking at his phone while studying

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