Offers culturally relevant and safe work-integrated learning opportunities for Indigenous students culturally safe experiential learning for Indigenous students
Is grounded in Indigenous worldviews
Recognizes Indigenous relationships to Land is the essential foundation of Indigenous Knowledges and identity
Places Indigenous students in contexts that value Indigenous ways of Knowing, Being, and Doing
Provides financial, academic, cultural, and/or organizational support for Indigenous students and partners to create culturally safe experiential learning
Provides leadership and training to educate partners about Indigenous culture to ensure culturally safe placement sites for Indigenous students
Reflects UNB’s commitment to piluwitahasuwawsuwakon
Avenir NB/Future New Brunswick/Future Wabanaki
New Brunswick’s provincial commitment to experiential learning
Supports wage subsidies for students partnering with employers for work-integrated learning placements
Reduces financial barriers that hinder participation in experiential learning i.e. transportation, materials, or equipment costs