University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham

Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands B15 2TT, United Kingdom

Birmingham University is located in the West Midlands county of England. Birmingham and its surrounding areas have a combined population of 3.5 million, making it the second biggest city after London.

Birmingham has a temperate maritime climate, with average maximum summer temperatures around 20°C and average winter temperatures around 4.5°C.

The university is placed towards the top on various ranking system. Its total student population is around 25,000.

Website URL:

Cost: High
External Funding Available: Yes
Availability: 4
Academic Dates:

Autumn Term (semester 1): Mid/late September - mid December

Spring/ Summer Term (semester 2): Early January - mid June

Course Timetable:

Academic time table

Program Type: Exchange , Summer school
Language: English
Available Subjects: anthropology , biology , business and entrepreneurship , chemistry , computer science , english literature , environmental studies , economics , french , gender studies , geography , german , history , information and communication studies , international development studies , kinesiology and sports sciences , linguistics , mathematics , media and film , music , nursing , philosophy , physics , political science , psychology , sociology , spanish , world literature and culture studies , leadership , engineering - chemical , engineering - civil
Travel Information:
Practical Information:

Visa Requirements:

Summer School Information:
YouTube Channel:
Additional Information:

Each year BUTEX awards a number of scholarships to students studying abroad for either a semester or for a whole academic year. The value of each scholarship is £500 and will be paid to the winners once they have arrived and registered at their host university. Apply here.


Jonathan Pugsley, Computer Science/Science, on exchange Fall 2015

England is full of old, impressive architecture. The symbol of the university, the clock tower known as Old Joe, is the tallest freestanding clocktower in the world and can be seen all over town. Since the campus holds 30000 students, it does help to have a tall structure visible wherever you stand to aid in navigation. Interestingly enough, the architects of UoB seemed to be even more fond of brick than the architects of UNB, and the colour of campus is distinctly red."

Matraça Lamey, BA/PSYCH 2015, MA Student in Drama Therapy at Concordia University, on exchange in Fall 2012 and Winter 2013.

"I have been accepted to the MA Drama Therapy program at Concordia University. My experience abroad was certainly a catalyst for my desire to become a Drama Therapist. While studying abroad I was taught by some of the leading British psychologists and I participated in several drama oriented programs. Not only did I achieve a new appreciation for my abilities to adapt to a new academic environment but I also acquired a new appreciation for cultural diversity and even more importantly my experience helped me to discover my own cultural identity. It is surprising how much a person will learn when they attempt to do things on their own.”

Elizabeth Creelman, BA/ENGL/Hist 2015, U. of Toronto Law student, on exchange in Fall 2013.

“Before my arrival, I had been terrified of being stuck with other international students in my residence and not making friends with any of the “locals” but the small class sizes allowed me to meet lots of Brits and learn more than I ever wanted to know about football.”

Jake Wildman-Sisk, BBA.EN-CO 2014, BPHIL.Lead 2014, on exchange in Winter 2013.

"Studying business in another country isn’t just studying business… in another country. What comes with that are new ways of educating and learning about the world of business. It also offers exposure to different legislation and different businesses altogether. The social subtleties can be read about, but it’s difficult to understand until you see them in action.

Would I recommend going abroad to students? Almost always, yes. Would I caution them that there’s a great deal of work to be done to get there and when you arrive it’s not a vacation, but a chance to study in a new, possibly spectacular place? Once again, yes. The experience isn’t always easy, but there are always great things to be found along the way and, once you look back, almost all students can say they enjoyed themselves."