The Planetary and Space Science Centre is actively involved in outreach programs. These include visits by members of the Centre to schools and visits to the Centre for presentations and workshops (maximum class size 20). Our interactive programming is designed by educational experts aimed at Grades 5-9, although older and younger grades can be accommodated, depending on the topic.
Educators interested in organizing visits by members of the Centre, or school visits to the Centre, are welcome to contact to discuss potential courses and to access material. Normally, a small fee is required to cover any transport costs.
The Planetary and Space Science Centre will consider evaluating materials that the public have discovered and suspects are of meteoritic origin. This involves the visual examination of the sample and, if considered warranted, subsequent analytical appraisal by X-ray diffraction and/or optical microscopy. We encourage members of the public to bring interesting material to the attention of the Department of Earth Sciences administrator
Significant analytical processing may require a modest fee to cover costs. Members of the Centre also contribute their expertise on a regular basis to radio and TV science programs, and to media enquiries involving planetary geology, impact cratering and meteorites.