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Recent Graduate Student Research Posters

Cédric Albert

Incorporating Climate Change into Forest Planning Models.

Monica Allaby

The Stewardship Philosophies of Forest Landowners in the Maritime Provinces of Canada

Amir Azimi

Application of ANN for Daily Streamflow Prediction.

James Broom

An investigation of recent, widespread balsam fir (Abies balsamea) mortality in North America and its implications for understanding forest vulnerability to climate change 

Kevin Clyne

Eelgrass Mapping in Eeyou-Istcheeusing Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 imagery with Random Forests Classifier

Shawn Donovan

Improving spruce budworm management: detecting defoliation, assisting population sampling, and impact assessment

Sarah Fensmore

Identifying Key Roost Sites & Their Connectivity for Swallows

Claudio Ignacio Fernández

Potato Late Blight Detection Using Hyperspectral Data

Zizhen Gao

Fracture of a Bond-line of Adhesively Laminated Solid Wood Products

Chang Gu

Environmental Benefits of Mass Timber Buildings

Heidi Harding

Nesting Habitat Use and Availability for Cavity-nesting Ducks in the Wolastoq Floodplain, NB

Yujing Luo

Identification and Development of Test Methods for More Accurately Evaluating the Bond Strength of Adhesively Laminated Wood Products

Kamille Lemieux

LiDAR-Based Potato Crop Suitability Mapping

Maria MacIvor

The roles of habitat, spruce budworm, and Btk in avian community structure

Fawn Maika

The Effects of Btk Applications on the Diets of Eastern Wood-warblers

William Millar

Quantifying the Potential Effects of Land-based Activities on Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Embryo Development in the Serpentine River, NB

Galen McMonagle

Biophysical and economic analysis of climate change altering the composition of New Brunswick’s forests: CGE Analysis

Jesse Moura dos Santos

Sensitivity of Red Spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) to Projected Warming in Eastern Canada from Tree-ring Analyses of Provenances Trials

Douglas Munn

Movement Ecology of Juvenile Eastern Moose

Patricia Nancekivell

Dietary Breadth and Migratory Flexibility in Aerial Insectivores

Daniel Nunes

Organizations who support and interact with private woodlot owners: Their values, mandates and communication networks.

Kirsti Owen

Bird community assembly in human-modified habitats

Nana Agyei Owusu

LiDAR - DEM Based Modelling of Culvert Placements

Jacob Ravn

Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill) Growth Response to Climate Change-induced Temperature Increases and Drought.

Storm Robinson

Quantifying the effects of climate anomalies and frost hardiness on the growth of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) populations.

Clara Schortemeyer

Is There a Trade-off Between White Spruce Fast Growth and Drought Tolerance at the Genotype Level?

Daniel Snow

Mapping Forest Soil Trafficability

Ahmed Shalaby

Snow-albedo feedback as a plausible mechanism of Wolastoq spring flooding.

Odysseas Vlachopoulos

Crops and Orchard Damage and Status Assessment with Machine Learning and UAS Imagery

Joni Waldy

Diameter distribution model development of tropical hybrid Eucalyptus clonal plantations in Sumatera, Indonesia: A comparison of estimation methods 

Jiejie Wang

Climate Change Expected to Increase Tree Growth Across Much of the North America’s Boreal Forest

Susan Willis

Modeling Climate Change Impact for the PEINP Forest

Luji Xiong Feasibility of Applying 4-D Printing Technology Using Wood-based Filaments.