Pamela Durepos

Assistant Professor


Nursing, Faculty of

MacLaggan Hall 163

1 506 447 3281


  • PhD in Nursing – McMaster University, 2020
  • Master of Science in Nursing – McMaster University, 2016
  • Critical Care Nursing Certificate – Mohawk College, 2006
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing – McMaster University, 2003


Registered Nurse, College of Nurses of Ontario (2003-2020), Nurses Association of New Brunswick (2020-present).

Areas of interest

  • Palliative approach for persons with chronic illnesses
  • End-of-life care
  • Spiritual care
  • Experiences and support (e.g., psychoeducation) for family caregivers
  • Experiences and support for persons with dementia in the late-stages and other chronic illnesses
  • Serious Illness Conversations and Communication
  • Education and training for healthcare professionals, family caregivers and the public on dementia, a palliative approach, end-of-life care
  • Long-term care, Critical Care and Community Settings
  • Mixed methods, qualitative and quantitative
  • Program implementation and evaluation
  • Instrument development and evaluation

Research grants

Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Strengthening Pandemic Preparedness in Long-Term Care. ($199,998). 2020-2022. Implementing and Scaling Up the Palliative Care Toolkit in Long-Term Care During Covid. Principal Investigator: Kaasalainen, S. Co-Investigators: Arya, A.; McCloskey, R.; Neil-Sztramko, S.; Sussman, T.; Thompson, G.; Venturato, L.; Wickson-Griffiths, A.; Durepos, P.; Boamah, S., Dobbins, M., Holroyd-Leduc, J.; Hunter, P.V.; Markle-Reid, M; McCleary, L.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Strengthening Pandemic Preparedness in Long-Term Care. ($200,000). 2020-2021. Making “Non-essential” Family Volunteering/Caregiving Essential in LTC. Principal Investigator: Robitaille, A. Co-Investigators: Belanger-Hardy, L.; Garcia, L.; Lagace, M.; Law, M.; Grassau, P.; Hirdes, J.; McCleary, L.; Sinden, D.; Durepos, P.; Robert, B.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Sir Frederick Banting Doctoral Award. ($105,000). 2018-2020. Caring Ahead: Development and Evaluation of a Questionnaire to Measure Caregiver Preparedness for End-of-Life with Dementia. Principal Investigator: Durepos, P. Co-Investigators: Ploeg, J., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Sussman, T., Kaasalainen, S.

Canadian Frailty Network, Interdisciplinary Fellowship. ($35,000). 2018-2019. Principal Investigator: Durepos, P. Co-Investigators: Ploeg, J., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Kaasalainen, S., Sussman, T.

Alzheimer Society of Halton-Niagara-Hamilton-Brant, Operating Grant. ($5,000). 2017-2020. Caring Ahead: Mixed Methods Development of a Questionnaire to Measure Caregiver Preparedness for End-of-Life with Dementia. Principal Investigator: Durepos, P. Supervisor: Kaasalainen, S. Co-Investigator: Ploeg, J., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Kaasalainen, S., Sussman, T.

Alzheimer Society Research Program. Doctoral Fellowship. ($80,000, Declined). 2018-2020. Caring Ahead: Mixed Methods Development of a Questionnaire to Measure Caregiver Preparedness for End-of-Life with Dementia. Principal Investigator: Durepos, P. Supervisor: Kaasalainen, S. Co-Investigators: Ploeg, J., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Sussman, T.

Awards and distinctions

  • Canadian Nurses Foundation, Lundbeck Mental Health Scholar, 2018
  • McMaster Faculty of Health Sciences, Publication Award, 2019
  • Registered Nurses Foundation of Ontario, Mental Health Interest Group Award, 2018
  • McMaster School of Nursing, Dr. Vivian Woods Leadership Award, 2018, 2019
  • International Congress on Palliative Care, Poster Award, 2017
  • Registered Nurses Foundation of Ontario, Julie Hall Neuroscience Nursing Award, 2017
  • Canadian Association of Gerontology, Travel Award, 2016
  • Regional Geriatrics Program, Bursary, 2015
  • Registered Nurses Foundation of Ontario, Palliative Nursing Award, 2015

Recent publications

Orr, E., Durepos, P., Jones, V., Durepos, P., Jack, S. (2021). Risk of Secondary Distress for Graduate Students Conducting Qualitative Research on Sensitive Subjects: A Scoping Review of Canadian Dissertations and Theses. Global Qualitative Nursing Research.

Durepos, P., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Ploeg, J., Sussman, T., & Kaasalainen, S. (2021). Caring ahead: Mixed methods development of a questionnaire to measure preparedness for end-of-life of persons with dementia. Palliative Medicine.

Durepos, P., Sakamoto, M., Alsbury, K., Hewston, P., Borges, J., & Takaoka, A. (2021). Perceptions of frailty language: A scoping review. Canadian Journal on Aging.

Durepos, P., Ploeg, J., Sussman, T., Akhtar-Danesh, N., & Kaasalainen, S. (2020). “A Crazy Roller Coaster at the End”: A qualitative study of death preparedness with caregivers of persons with dementia. SAGE Open Nursing, 6.

Durepos, P., Sussman, T., Ploeg, J., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Punia, H. & Kaasalainen, S. (2018). What does death preparedness mean for family caregivers in dementia? American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, X(X), 1-11.

Durepos, P., Orr, E., Ploeg, J., Kaasalainen, S. (2018). The value of measurement for development of nursing knowledge: Underlying philosophy, contributions and critiques. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(10), 2290-2300.

Oczkowski, S., Centofanti, J., Durepos, P., Arsenau, E., Kelecevic, J., Dhanani, S., Cook, D., & Meade, M. (2019). A multidisciplinary survey to assess facilitators and barriers to successful organ donation in the intensive care unit. Progress in Transplantation. DOI: 10.1177/1526924819835826.