Assistant Professor
MacLaggan Hall 163
Registered Nurse, College of Nurses of Ontario (2003-2020), Nurses Association of New Brunswick (2020-present).
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Strengthening Pandemic Preparedness in Long-Term Care. ($199,998). 2020-2022. Implementing and Scaling Up the Palliative Care Toolkit in Long-Term Care During Covid. Principal Investigator: Kaasalainen, S. Co-Investigators: Arya, A.; McCloskey, R.; Neil-Sztramko, S.; Sussman, T.; Thompson, G.; Venturato, L.; Wickson-Griffiths, A.; Durepos, P.; Boamah, S., Dobbins, M., Holroyd-Leduc, J.; Hunter, P.V.; Markle-Reid, M; McCleary, L.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Strengthening Pandemic Preparedness in Long-Term Care. ($200,000). 2020-2021. Making “Non-essential” Family Volunteering/Caregiving Essential in LTC. Principal Investigator: Robitaille, A. Co-Investigators: Belanger-Hardy, L.; Garcia, L.; Lagace, M.; Law, M.; Grassau, P.; Hirdes, J.; McCleary, L.; Sinden, D.; Durepos, P.; Robert, B.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Sir Frederick Banting Doctoral Award. ($105,000). 2018-2020. Caring Ahead: Development and Evaluation of a Questionnaire to Measure Caregiver Preparedness for End-of-Life with Dementia. Principal Investigator: Durepos, P. Co-Investigators: Ploeg, J., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Sussman, T., Kaasalainen, S.
Canadian Frailty Network, Interdisciplinary Fellowship. ($35,000). 2018-2019. Principal Investigator: Durepos, P. Co-Investigators: Ploeg, J., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Kaasalainen, S., Sussman, T.
Alzheimer Society of Halton-Niagara-Hamilton-Brant, Operating Grant. ($5,000). 2017-2020. Caring Ahead: Mixed Methods Development of a Questionnaire to Measure Caregiver Preparedness for End-of-Life with Dementia. Principal Investigator: Durepos, P. Supervisor: Kaasalainen, S. Co-Investigator: Ploeg, J., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Kaasalainen, S., Sussman, T.
Alzheimer Society Research Program. Doctoral Fellowship. ($80,000, Declined). 2018-2020. Caring Ahead: Mixed Methods Development of a Questionnaire to Measure Caregiver Preparedness for End-of-Life with Dementia. Principal Investigator: Durepos, P. Supervisor: Kaasalainen, S. Co-Investigators: Ploeg, J., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Sussman, T.
Orr, E., Durepos, P., Jones, V., Durepos, P., Jack, S. (2021). Risk of Secondary Distress for Graduate Students Conducting Qualitative Research on Sensitive Subjects: A Scoping Review of Canadian Dissertations and Theses. Global Qualitative Nursing Research.
Durepos, P., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Ploeg, J., Sussman, T., & Kaasalainen, S. (2021). Caring ahead: Mixed methods development of a questionnaire to measure preparedness for end-of-life of persons with dementia. Palliative Medicine.
Durepos, P., Sakamoto, M., Alsbury, K., Hewston, P., Borges, J., & Takaoka, A. (2021). Perceptions of frailty language: A scoping review. Canadian Journal on Aging.
Durepos, P., Ploeg, J., Sussman, T., Akhtar-Danesh, N., & Kaasalainen, S. (2020). “A Crazy Roller Coaster at the End”: A qualitative study of death preparedness with caregivers of persons with dementia. SAGE Open Nursing, 6.
Durepos, P., Sussman, T., Ploeg, J., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Punia, H. & Kaasalainen, S. (2018). What does death preparedness mean for family caregivers in dementia? American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, X(X), 1-11.
Durepos, P., Orr, E., Ploeg, J., Kaasalainen, S. (2018). The value of measurement for development of nursing knowledge: Underlying philosophy, contributions and critiques. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(10), 2290-2300.
Oczkowski, S., Centofanti, J., Durepos, P., Arsenau, E., Kelecevic, J., Dhanani, S., Cook, D., & Meade, M. (2019). A multidisciplinary survey to assess facilitators and barriers to successful organ donation in the intensive care unit. Progress in Transplantation. DOI: 10.1177/1526924819835826.