Central Heating Plant

The Central Heating Plant (CHP) is located on the south-east side of the UNB Fredericton campus on College Hill Road. The building was constructed in 1970 and is 50 years old!

The primary function of the Central Heating Plant is to provide steam to heat the following:

  • UNB campus
  • St. Thomas University (STU)
  • Provincial Archives of New Brunswick
  • Research and Productivity Council 
  • Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital (DECRH)

The operations of the plant run 24/7 as the plant provides an uninterrupted steam supply service throughout the campus and its external customers.


CHP has a unique fuel mix that enables UNB to burn three fuels: biomass, natural gas, and #6 fuel oil (BunkerC). Currently CHP burns 35-60% biomass, which is a renewable resource.

UNB is currently in the design phase for a co-generation biomass boiler, as the current biomass boiler is up for renewal. The co-gen system would generate electricity for some campus buildings using a steam turbine that is powered by the biomass boiler.

The steam generated by the CHP is exported from the plant by a 10-inch main operating at a pressure of 200 psig. A portion of the steam is supplied directly to the DECRH, Magee and McLeod residences at the steam pressure of slightly less than 200 psig, while the remaining steam is passed through a pressure reducing valve (PRV) for supply to the UNB and STU campuses at a pressure of 125 psig.