Family Violence Issues Certificate Program

The FVI Certificate is granted upon completion of eight (3 credit hour) courses related to the study of family violence with a minimum grade of C in each course. The program is offered by the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research at UNB, but the courses listed below are offered through various departments and faculties. 

The FVI Certificate includes three different groupings of courses based on the proportion of material covered in the course that is directly relevant to issues of family violence: core courses (all material considered relevant); intensive courses (at least 60% of the material considered relevant); and supplementary courses (at least 30% of the material considered relevant). While students will choose a mix of core, intensive and supplementary courses, it is required that they choose a minimum of 3 core courses, and a maximum of 3 intensive courses, along with 2 supplementary courses. 

Students interested in being admitted into the Family Violence Issues Certificate Program make an application to the Registrar's Office. 

Students completing the FVI Certificate are able to count those courses taken in conjunction with a Minor, Major, Honours, Double Major, or Joint Honours program towards the FVI requirements. 

**Not all these courses will be offered in any given academic year**

Core Courses
(Choose at least 3 courses from this categories)
Intensive Courses
60% relevant content
(Choose up to 3 courses)
Supplementary Courses
30% relevant content
(Choose up to 2 courses)
FVI 2001/SOCI 2001 Introduction to Family Violence Issues ARTS 3001 or ARTS 3002 or ARTS 3000 or ARTS 4000 ARTS Internship ANTH 3114 Gender, Sex and Culture
FVI 2003/SOCI 2003 Interpersonal Cyberviolence CCS/SOCI 3666 Icons of Nonviolence I ANTH 3523 Forensic Anthropology
FVI 2009/SOCI 2009/CRIM 2009 Human Trafficking CCS/SOCI 3667 Icons of Nonviolence II ANTH 4502 Issues in Medical Anthropology
FVI 3006/SOCI 3006 Intervention Strategies and Programs for People who Batter CCS/SOCI 3668 Women, Creativity and Nonviolence Across Cultures I ANTH 4702 Gender and Health
FVI 3007/SOCI 3007 Religion and Family Violence CCS/SOCI 3669 Women, Creativity and Nonviolence Across Cultures II CCS 3062 Love and Religion: Latin America and Caribbean Women's Narrative from Golden Age to the Beginning of the 20th Century
FVI 3634/SOCI 3634 Violence Against Women GWS 1003 Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies I CCS 4062 Span & Lat Amer Women Artists
FVI 4002 Multidisciplinary Approaches to Family Violence GWS 2003 Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies II CLAS 3913 Gender and Power in Ancient Greece and Rome
SOCI 4337 Legal Responses to Family Violence GWS 4004 Seminar in Gender and Women's Studies CLAS 4333 Living in the Ancient World: Greek and Roman Housing

FVI 4338/SOCI 4338/CRIM 4338 Family Law and Family Violence

GWS 4900 Honours Thesis in Gender and Women's Studies ENGL 3883 Women's Writing in English
FVI 4339/SOCI 4339/CRIM 4339 Intersecting Violences: Global Perspectives PSYC 3253 Family Process ENGL 3813 Literature of Africa, the Caribbean, and South Asia
SOCI 2563 Violence and Society FR 3534 Women's Writing
FR 3534 Ecrits de femmes
SOCI 2303 Sociology of Families FR 3834 Contemporary Quebecois Women Writers
FR 3834 Écrivaines québécois contemporaines
SOCI 4336 Families, Law and Social Policy FR 3536 A History of Women's Writing in France
FR 3536 Histoire de la literature des femmes en France
POLS 3447 Gender, Race and Global Politics HIST 1007 History of the Body
HIST 3025 History and Sexuality: Europe and the World
HIST 3326 Gender, Health and Medicine
HIST 4003 Women in the Early Modern Atlantic World
HIST 4313 A History of Women in Canadian Society
HIST 4808 History of the Canadian Forces, 1953-Present
HIST 5007 Gender and Sexuality in the 20th Century Europe
HIST 5605  Freedom on Trial: Slavery, Violence, and the Law
HIST 5103 Gender, Race, and Disease in Early Modern Atlantic History
HIST 5353 Canadian Women's History
MAAC 3055 Gender, Women and Media
POLS 2503 Women and Politics
POLS 3443 Feminist Issues in Political Thought
POLS 4495 Gender & War: Historical and Contemporary Perspective
PSYC 3033 Health Psychology
PSYC 3043 Human Sexuality
PSYC 3263 Psychology of Women
PSYC 3343 The Psychology of Crime
PSYC 3453 Close Relationships
PSYC 4223 Topical Seminar in Sex and Gender
SOCI 1543 Men and Women - Then and Now
SOCI 1593 Hooked on Religion
SOCI 1603 Introduction to Criminology
SOCI 2014 Racism
SOCI 2313 Sociology of Women
SOCI 2343 Sociology of Aging
SOCI 2365 Sociology of Dying and Death
SOCI 3335 Religion, Gender and Society
SOCI 3403 Individual and Society
SOCI 3543 Sociology of Gender Relations
SOCI 3605 International Human Rights
SOCI 4513 Inequality and Social Justice