Sustainably Me

Make sustainable choices that are right for you

It's no secret that our world is facing major challenges right now. Climate change and social and economic inequality are just a few of the problems we need to tackle as a society. Despite how overwhelming current issues may seem, everyone has the power to make a positive difference.

Everyone's journey toward a sustainable lifestyle is unique and valid. What matters is taking sustainable steps, no matter how small they may seem.

We want to help you start or continue your sustainability journey on campus, in the community, and at home. We aim to make sustainability a seamless part of your daily life and are committed to helping you achieve it.

Focus areas

We’ve identified 3 themes to help you focus your actions/journey in a meaningful way. Do you want to scale down, spark inspiration or stand out?

In a world where mass production has become the norm, and we are stuck in the loop of quantity rather than quality, it may be time to rethink what brings value to our lives.

Start by decluttering, consuming less, and supporting your community to lead a more local lifestyle. This extends beyond reducing our environmental impact; it's about building a more just and equitable society that values community, connection, and sustainability.

Actions you can try

  • Shopping locally 
    • Farmers Markets
    • Habitat for Humanity
    • Look for food produced in New Brunswick while grocery shopping
  • Eating in-season food
  • Trying vegetarian meals, like Meatless Mondays
  • Declutter your space and donate items to local thrift stores
  • Practice mindful shopping

Consider taking a step back from the fast-paced, consumer-driven world and embrace a more mindful, minimalist approach. The benefits may surprise you.

Discovering your inspiration could happen anywhere, through experiences in the classroom, volunteering, or out in nature.

Empowering yourself, on and off campus, will equip you with the necessary skills to integrate sustainability into all aspects of your life.

Actions you can try

You can spark your sustainable mind and become a more informed and engaged citizen.

There is no single practice that solves all economic, social, and environmental issues; progress comes from learning and embracing imperfections in your community.

Celebrate your accomplishments, even the small ones.

Remember, someone in your life looks at you as an inspiration to make their own changes. By acknowledging and sharing your sustainability achievements with others, you are creating a space of community and support for sustainable living.

Actions you can try

Sustainability activism is a necessary movement that requires individuals to stand up and make a difference.

By celebrating our sustainable accomplishments, advocating for sustainability, and persistently making small changes in our daily lives, we can create a better world for ourselves and future generations.