Graduate teaching: supervise students' dissertations, theses, and reports
Undergraduate teaching: primarily courses related to professional relationships, health communication, family nursing, and the Canadian health care system
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Project grant. Title: InspiRights: Good practices that Inspire and facilitate children’s Rights. Role: Co-investigator. $340,000, 2021-2026
New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF). 2021 Summer Studentship Program (16-week stipend for Eve Justason). Title: Evaluating the process of a nurse practitioner led clinic in New Brunswick. Peer reviewed competition. Role: Co-Principal Applicant. $6,900, 2021
New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF). 2021 Summer Studentship Program (16-week stipend for Fareeha Quayyum). Title: Exploring the primary health care experiences of individuals with chronic conditions through the implementation of the OECD patient-reported indicator survey (PaRIS) in New Brunswick and Canada. Peer reviewed competition. Role: Co-Principal Applicant. $6,900, 2021
The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF). Title: Evaluating the usefulness of a mental health artificial intelligence (A.I.) chatbot in a healthcare setting (additional funding through Covid-19 Emergency Fund). Peer reviewed competition. Role: Principal Investigator. $10,200, 2021 - 2022
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Project Grant. Title: Establishing a tool to identify children with medical complexity using administrative datasets in the Maritime provinces. Role: Co-Investigator. $60,000, 2021-2022
The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF). Title: Enhancing the quality of life of youth with complex care needs and their families through innovative, multidisciplinary approach to improving transitions in care. Peer reviewed competition. Role: Principal Investigator. $5,000, 2021 - 2022
New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF). Emerging Projects. Title: Exploring patient navigation for people with dementia, their caregivers, and the care team in Canada. Role: Nominated Principal Investigator. $25,000, 2020 - 2022
MacMurray Foundation. Title: Supporting families in New Brunswick: Monthly webinar series presented by NaviCare/SoinsNavi. Role: Nominated Principal Investigator. $4,500, 2020 - 2021
New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF). New Brunswick Priority Occupation Student Support Fund Competition. Title: Exploring patient navigation for trauma patients and people with dementia to create efficiencies in priority occupations. Role: Nominated Principal Investigator. $65,000, 2020 - 2021
Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement. Title: Exploring patient navigation for people with dementia, their caregivers, and the care team in Canada. Role: Nominated Principal Investigator. $49,500, 2020 - 2021
Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine (FAFM). COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Impact Grant Program (Co-RIG) Phase 1. Title: Telehealth case management in primary care: An innovation in response to services disruption for patients with complex needs. Role: Co-Principal Investigator. $200,000, 2020 - 2021
Atlantic Region Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (ARCASN). 2020 ARCASN Research Award. Title: Exploring interprofessional practice and collaboration experiences of post-licensure graduates from the Tucker Park health professions programs. Role: Co-Principal Investigator. $2,000, 2020 - 2021
New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF). COVID-19 Research Fund (COV2020-029). Title: Occupational disruption during COVID-19: Exploring the experiences of individuals living with chronic disease. Role: Principal Investigator. $10,955, 2020 - 2022
2020. University of New Brunswick MITACS Accelerated Program Partnership (Application Ref. IT17468). Title: 4-month support for Simal Qureshi to work on the project titled “A needs assessment of community resources and services for people with cancer and their families in New Brunswick.” Role: Principal Investigator$10,000 / $5,000 from the Canadian Cancer Society / $5,000 from private donation - Total - $20,000
2020-2023. New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF) and the New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour. Research Professionals Initiative (RPI), RPI2020-010. Title: Evaluating the usefulness of a mental health artificial intelligence (A.I.) chatbot in a healthcare setting. Role: Principal Investigator - $90,000
2020-2021. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Individual Connection Grants (611-2019-0167). Title: The Inaugural Canadian Healthcare Navigation Conference. Role: Co-Investigator - $10,000
2020. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Best Brains Exchange Program. Title: CIHR Best Brains Exchange: Development of a comprehensive, integrated care approach to chronic disease prevention and management. Role: Co-Applicant - $20,000
2020. New Brunswick Health Research Foundation. Summer Studentship Program 2019-20. Title: 16-week stipend support for Ms. Jennifer Clarke to work on the project titled “Evaluating the process of a pediatric patient-navigation centre in NB.” Role: Co-Principal Applicant - $6,900
2020. New Brunswick Health Research Foundation. Summer Studentship Program 2019-20. Title: 12-week stipend support for Ms. Naythrah Thevathasan to work on the project titled “Innovating pediatric behavioural assessments and care pathways.” Role: Principal Applicant - $5,175
2020-2021. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) / New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF). Catalyst Grant: Patient-Oriented Research. Title: Determining research priorities to improve the integration of care for individuals with complex care needs and their caregivers in New Brunswick. Role: Nominated Principal Investigator - $120,000 ($100,000 from CIHR and $20,000 from NBHRF)
2020-2021. York University. Sponsorship to support conference costs. Title: Canadian Healthcare Navigation Conference - Best Practices in Navigation. Role: Co-Applicant - $1,000
2020-2021. Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). Sponsorship to support costs associated with conference keynote speaker, patient partner Ms. Keli Anderson. Title: Canadian Healthcare Navigation Conference - Best Practices in Navigation. Role: Co-Applicant - $3,000
2020-2021. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Planning and Dissemination Grant. Title: The inaugural Canadian Healthcare Navigation Conference: Advancing innovations in patient and family navigation for mental health and addictions concerns. Role: Co-applicant - $20,000
2020-2025. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Project Grant: Fall 2019 Competition (Appl # 426791). Title: The Maritime Community Health and Housing Initiative: Investigating the impact of public housing interventions on mental health and healthcare use in low-income households in New Brunswick. Role: Co-Applicant - $466,650
2019-2021. Government of New Brunswick. Healthy Seniors Pilot Project Operating Grant. Title: Co-designing dementia care in New Brunswick: Building the future together. Role: Nominated Principal Investigator - $495,259
2019-2020. New Brunswick Children’s Foundation. Operating Grant. Title: NaviCare/SoinsNavi: A navigation centre for children and youth with complex care needs- and their families New Brunswick. Role: Nominated Principal Investigator - $50,000
2019. Jarislowsky Foundation. New Gift to Support Research Chair Endowment. Title: Jarislowsky Chair in Interprofessional Patient-Centred Care. Role: Chair Holder - $100,000
2019-2021. New Brunswick Innovation Foundation and the New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network. The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF) Social Innovation Research Fund competition. Title: Enhancing the quality of life of youth with complex care needs and their families through innovative, multidisciplinary approach to improving transitions in care. Role: Principal Applicant - $30,000
2019-2021. New Brunswick Innovation Foundation and the New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network. The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF) Social Innovation Research Fund competition. Title: Developing age-friendly solutions: Information and system navigation for older adults and their caregivers in New Brunswick. Role: Co-Applicant - $20,000
2019-2020. The Royal Society of Canada. Open Academy Program. Title: Navigating your journey: A workshop presented by NaviCare/SoinsNavi’s Family Advisory Council. Role: Nominated Principal Applicant - $5,000
2019-2024. New Brunswick Health Research Foundation. Research Chair Endowment (renewal) Title: Jarislowsky Chair in Interprofessional Patient-Centred Care. Role: Chair Holder - $500,000
2019-2020. New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF). NBHRF Workshop Support Program 2019-2020. Title: 2019 Patients’ Den Workshop. Funds to be used for simultaneous English/French translation and associated technical services for an October 2019 event. Role: Principal Applicant -$5,000
2019-2024. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) / Matching Partners (including NBHRF). Canadian Consortium for Neurodegeneration and Aging (CCNA). Title: Assessing care models implemented in primary health care for persons with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. Role: Co-Investigator - $1,520,000
2018-2021. The EU Joint Programme in Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND). Transnational call: Multinational Research Projects on Health and Social Care for Neurodegenerative Diseases Title: CO-desiGning demeNtia dIagnoSis ANd post-diagnostic CarE “COGNISANCE.” Role: Co-Principal Investigator - €1,543,691 (approx. $2,296,988 CAD)
2019. New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF). Summer Studentship Program. Title: Support for Ms. Poppy Jackson to work on the project titled “Using theatre as an innovative knowledge translation approach for health research.” Role: Co-Principal Applicant - $4,944
2018. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Best Brains Exchange Travel Award. Title: CIHR Best Brains Exchange in Social Paediatrics: Protecting the rights of the child through collaborative models of care aimed at mitigating and addressing the social determinants of health. Role: Principal Applicant - $20,000
2018. Jarislowsky Foundation. Research Chair Endowment. Title: Jarislowsky Chair in Interprofessional Patient-Centred Care. Role: Chair Holder - $500,000
2018-2019. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) / Several Matching Partners (including NBHRF). Operating Grant: CIHR SPOR PIHCI Network: Knowledge Synthesis. Title: Interventions to support transitions in care for children and families with complex health care needs in the community. Peer reviewed competition. Role: Nominated Principal Investigator - $97,871
2018-2019. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) / Several Supporting Organizations. Operating Grant: SSHRC Connections Grant. Title: Mobilizing connections to build early childhood partnerships in Nova Scotia. Role: Co-Applicant - $44,897 ($24,927 from SSHRC, $19,970 from other sources)
2018. Gift from Sandra Irving. Donation to provide an additional research grant for the Patients’ Den (an event I hosted). Title: Patients' Den: Patients setting research priorities in primary and integrated health care innovations. Role: Principal Investigator - $5,000
2018-2022. CIHR SPOR PIHCI Network: Programmatic Grant. Title: Case management in primary care for frequent users of healthcare services with chronic diseases and complex care needs: Implementation and realist evaluations. Nominated PI: C. Hudon; My role: Co-PI. Co-Investigators/Collaborators/PIs: several Canadian stakeholders across sectors. Funded 1:1 by CIHR and matching provincial partners, including $200,000 from NBHRF. Total = $2,000,000
2018. CIHR Maritime SPOR Support Unit (MSSU) Patient Engagement Support Bursary. Title: Patients' den: Patients setting research priorities in primary and integrated health care innovations. Role: Nominated Principal Investigator - $1,500
2017-2019. Jarislowsky Foundation / Purdy Crawford: Postdoctoral Fellowship Endowment. Title: The Purdy Crawford / Stephen Jarislowsky Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Health Policy. Role: Applicant (as Postdoctoral Supervisor) - $80,000
2016-2018. CIHR SPOR PIHCI Network: Comparative Program and Policy Analysis Grant. Title: Policies and program innovations that connect primary health care, social services, public health and community supports in Canada: A comparative policy analysis. Nominated PI: J. Haggerty; My role: Co-Pl. Co-Investigators/Collaborators/PIs: several Canadian stakeholders across sectors. Funded 1:1 by CIHR and 8 matching provincial partners, including NBHRF. Total - $243,750
2016-2021. CIHR SPOR Network in Chronic Disease. Title: CHILD BRIGHT - Child Health Initiatives Limiting Disability - Brain Research Improving Growth and Health Trajectories. Co- PIs: A. Majnemer, S. Miller, D. Goldowitz; Co- Investigators/Collaborators: several Canadian stakeholders across sectors - Funded by CIHR ($12,500,000), NBHRF ($250,000), & other matching partners ($12,250,000). Total = $25,000,000
2015-2016. CIHR Operating Grant: SPOR PIHCI Network Quick Strike. Title: Children with complex health conditions: Let’s learn who they are and their needs to better serve them! Co- PIs: S. Doucet, R. Azar, W. Montelpare; Co- Investigators/Collaborators: S. Gander, M. Andre Doucet, A. Horsman, N. Hyndman, T. McDonald, B. Miedema, G. Potter, R. Stoddard - $100,175
2015-2018. New Brunswick Children’s Foundation Operating Grant to develop and evaluate a New Brunswick virtual health centre for children with complex health conditions. Co-PIs: S. Doucet & R. Azar - $750,000
2015-2020. NB SPOR Network in Primary & Integrated Health Care Innovations (PIHCI): Management & Operations Grant for the NB SPOR PIHCI Network. NB Tripartite Leadership Team: B. Miedema, S. Doucet, B. Green, J. Young, J. Kingston, M. Andre Doucet; Co-Investigators: R. Azar, T. McDonald, W. McIver, P. Peters; Participants: several additional stakeholders across sectors - Funded by CIHR ($500,000) & NBHRF ($500,000). Total - $1,000,000
2015-2020. PEI SPOR Network in Primary & Integrated Health Care Innovations (PIHCI): Management & Operations Grant for the NB SPOR PIHCI Network. PEI Tripartite Leadership Team: W. Montelpare, A. Celliers, M. Spidel; Co-Investigators: several stakeholders across sectors - Funded by CIHR ($500,000), the Medical Society of PEI ($100,000), & Health PEI ($100,000). Total - $700,000
2014-2019. Jarislowsky Foundation / New Brunswick Health Research Foundation / Sir James Dunn Foundation Research Chair Endowment. Chair Title: The Jarislowsky Chair in Interprofessional Patient-Centred Care. Chair Holder: S. Doucet. Funded by [Jarislowsky Foundation ($1,000,000), NBHRF ($500,000), and Sir James Dunn Foundation ($500,000)]. Total - $2,000,000
2014-2016. CIHR Operating Grant to understand how interprofessional collaboration can be enhanced through early socialization, during recruitment and career choice, before the various health professionals are ‘siloed’ into separate training programs. PIs: S. Price & S. Reeves, Team of 18 local and international Co-I’s/Collaborators across disciplines (my role - Collaborator) - $193,582
2014. New Brunswick Health Research Foundation Research Workshop Support Grant to host a workshop to establish a New Brunswick Community of Practice in Interprofessional Education and Practice. PI: S. Doucet - $4,304
2014-2015 - CIHR SPOR NB Network in Primary and Integrated Health Care Innovations. NB Tripartite Leadership Team: B. Miedema, B. Davies, K. Wilson; Co-I’s: S. Doucet, R. Azar, T. Rickards; Participants: several additional stakeholders across sectors. Funded by CIHR ($75,000) & NBHRF ($75,000). Total = $150,000
2014-2015. CIHR SPOR PEI Network in Primary and Integrated Health Care Innovations. PEI Tripartite Leadership Team: W. Montelpare, A. Celliers M. Spidel; Co-I’s: S. Doucet, B. Miedema; Participants: several additional stakeholders across sectors. Funded by CIHR ($75,000) & PEI ($75,000 in kind). Total - $150,000
2013-2015. The goal for the collaboration is to build a Norway/Canada/US interprofessional partnership that will provide students and faculty from the universities involved with opportunities to participate in educational exchanges in international learning and interprofessional working. PI: F. Jacobsen, Co-I’s: P. Clark, S. Doucet, H. Eide, K. Skovdahl, H. Tuntland, G., van den Bergh. Norwegian Funder - $150,000 NOK
2013-2015. Connected voices: Integrating interprofessional patient oriented mobile health interventions to manage chronic disease and promote smoking cessation. Primary Lead - M. Johnson, Co-leads: S. Doucet, J. Jbilou, M. Levesque, D. Cormier, A. Dube. Funded by Pfizer & NBHRF & In Kind (Cisco, FacilicorpNB) / $150,000 & $75,000 & $130,000. Total - $355,000
2013-2015. Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine Living Laboratory Research Fund to explore students’ perceptions of their interprofessional education experiences during their undergraduate medical education. PI: S. Doucet; Co-I’s: P. Alexiadis Brown, G. Sullivan, S. Jennings, J. Jennings, T. Cole, J. Steeves, J. Sargeant, C. Andrews, A. Godden-Webster, S. Price, L. Bainbridge - $5000
2013. Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation REDI Team Development Award to develop a knowledge synthesis research proposal for submission to CIHR (Fall 2013) related to enhancing interprofessional collaboration through early health professional socialization. PI: S. Price, Co-I’s: S. Doucet, G. Tomblin Murphy, J. Curran, K. Lackie - $9,979
2012-2014. Horizon Health Network Health Innovation Research Fund to assess student outcomes when participating in the interprofessional Health Mentors Program. PIs: S. Doucet, T. Packer, Co-I’s: P. Alexiadis Brown, C. Andrews, A. Godden Webster, H. Lauckner, D. MacKenzie, C. Stewart. PI - $12,000
2012-2014. CIHR Planning Grant to host an international workshop aimed at developing and applying social theories to improve interprofessional education and collaboration in health. PIs: S. Doucet, L. Bainbridge, Co-I’s: I. Oandasan, S. Hean, P. Clark, D. Craddock; M. Hammick, R. Mpofu, R. Pitt - $25,000
2012-2015 - SSHRC Insight Grant to evaluate higher education in a digital economy using an institutional ethnography approach. PI: A. MacLeod, Team of 15 local and international Co-I’s/Collaborators across disciplines (my role - Collaborator) - $297,525
2011-2012. Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation. Research Enterprise Development Initiatives (REDI) Grant to build capacity for a program of research to study the impact of a new UGME curriculum on educational outcomes, health care, community and the Maritimes. PIs: F. Bergin, K. Mann, Co-I’s: P. Alexiadis-Brown, S. Doucet, G. Kephart, A. Macleod, K. MacPherson, J. Sargeant, J. Steeves - $10,000
2011-2013 - Horizon Health Network Health Promotion Research Fund to explore the experience of patients as educators in an interprofessional health education program. PI: S. Doucet, Co-I’s: H. Lauckner, S. Wells - $12,000
Knight, R., Doucet, S., & Luke, A. (accepted). A longitudinal qualitative case study exploring the experiences of caregivers using a patient navigation centre for children with complex care needs. Healthy Populations Journal.
Doucet, R., Azar, R., Doucet, S. & Luke, A. (accepted). Conduct disorder: A review of the literature and the impact on caregivers. Healthy Populations Journal.
Doucet, S., Luke, A., Anthonisen, G., Kelly, K., Goudreau, A., MacNeill, A.L. & MacNeill, L. (accepted). Patient navigation programs for people with dementia, their caregivers, and members of the care team: A scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis.
Lamb, J., Doucet, S., & Luke, A. (accepted). Interprofessional collaboration in the care of children with complex care needs: The experiences of children, their families and the intersectoral care team. Healthy Populations Journal.
MacNeill, L., MacNeill, A. L., Doucet, S., & Luke, A. (accepted). Caring for children and youth with complex care needs (CCN) in New Brunswick during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of New Brunswick Studies.
Kelly, K., Doucet, S., & Luke, A. (2021). Development and implementation of a Facebook-based peer-to-peer support group for caregivers of children with complex care needs in New Brunswick. Healthy Populations Journal, 1(1), 43-54.
Cassidy, M., Doucet, S., Luke, A., & Goudreau, A. (2021). Improving the pediatric to adult care transition experience: Recommendations from young adults with complex care needs: A scoping review protocol. Healthy Populations Journal, 1(1), 61-71.
Asher, K. E., Doucet, S., & Luke, A. (2021) A pan-Canadian study of registered dietitians’ perceptions and experiences of interprofessional collaboration, Journal of Interprofessional Care.
Gorter, J.W., Amaria, K., Kovacs, A., Rozenblum, R., Thabane, L., Galuppi, B., Nguyen, L., Strohm, S., Mahlberg, N., Via-Dufresne Ley, A., Marelli, A. & CHILD-BRIGHT READYorNotTM Brain-Based Disabilities Trial Study Group. (2021). CHILD-BRIGHT READYorNot Brain-Based Disabilities Trial: protocol of a randomised controlled trial (RCT) investigating the effectiveness of a patient-facing e-health intervention designed to enhance healthcare transition readiness in youth. BMJ Open, 11(3), 1-9.
Luck, K., Doucet, S., & Luke, A. (2021). Occupational disruption during a pandemic: Exploring the experiences of individuals living with chronic disease. Journal of Occupational Science, 1-17.
Asher, K. E., Doucet, S., & Luke, A. (2021). Registered dietitians’ perceptions and use of the plant-based recommendations in the 2019 Canada’s Food Guide. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.
Luke, A., Luck, K., & Doucet, S. (2020). Experiences of caregivers as clients of a patient navigation program for children and youth with complex care needs: A qualitative descriptive study. International Journal of Integrated Care, 20(4): 10, 1-10.
Luck, K., & Doucet, S. (2020). A rapid review exploring nurse-led memory clinics. Nursing Open. 00, 1-12.
Danish, A., Chouinard, M. C., Audrey-Bassler, K., Burge, F., Doucet, S., Ramsden, V. R., Bisson, M., Cassidy, M., Condran, B., Lambert, M., Penney, C., Sabourin, V., Warren, M., & Hudon, C. (2020). Protocol for a mixed-method analysis of implementation of case management in primary care for frequent users of healthcare services with chronic diseases and complex care needs. BMJ Open. 10(6), 1-11.
Azar, R., Doucet, S., Horsman, A., Charlton, P., Luke, A., Nagel, D. A., Hyndman, N., & Montelpare, W. (2020). A concept analysis of children with complex health conditions: Implications for research and practice. BMC Pediatrics. 20, 1-11.
Doucet, S., Curran, J., Breneol, S., Luke, A., Dionne, E., Azar, R., Reid, A. E., McKibbon, S., Horsman, A., & Binns, K. (2020). Programmes to support transitions in care for children and youth with complex care needs and their families: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open. 10(6): e033978.
Gresham, M., & the COGNISANCE Team (I am a Co-PI on this team). (2020). Co-designing dementia diagnosis and support. Australian Journal of Dementia Care. 9(2), 14-15.
Reid, A., Doucet, S., & Luke, A. (2020). Exploring the role of lay and professional patient navigators in Canada. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy.
Richard, J., Azar, R., Doucet, S., & Luke, A. (2020). Pediatric patient and family advisory councils: A guide to their development and ongoing implementation. Journal of Patient Experience. 1-6.
Manzer, D., O’Sullivan, L., & Doucet, S. (2019). Culturally competent care of LGBT patients: The NP experience. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Education and Research, 4(3), 55-70.
Luck, K., Doucet, S., & Luke, A. (2019). The development of a logic model to guide the planning and evaluation of a navigation center for children and youth with complex care needs. Child & Youth Services.
Doucet, S., Luke, A., Splane, J., & Azar, R. (2019). Patient navigation as an approach to improve the integration of care: The case of NaviCare/SoinsNavi. International Journal of Integrated Care, 19(4):7, 1-6.
Charlton, P., Doucet, S., Azar, R., Nagel, D., Boulos, L., Luke, A., Mears, K., Kelly, K., & Montelpare, W. (2019). The use of the environmental scan in health services delivery research: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 9(9).
Kelly, K., Doucet, S. & Luke, A. (2019). Exploring the roles, functions, and background of patient navigators and case managers: A scoping review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 98, 27-47.
Reid, A., Doucet, S., Luke, A., & Azar, R., Horsman, A. (2019). The impact of patient navigation: A scoping review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 17(6), 1079-1085. doi:10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003958
Hudon, C., Chouinard, M.-C., Aubrey-Bassler, K., Burge, F., Ramsden, V., Doucet, S., et al. (2018). Case management in primary care for frequent users of healthcare services with chronic diseases and complex care needs: an implementation and realist evaluation protocol. BMJ Open, 8.
Manzer, D., O’Sullivan, L., & Doucet, S. (2018). Myths, misunderstandings, and missing information: Experiences of nurse practitioners providing primary care to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender patients. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 27(2), 157-170.
Luck, K., & Doucet, S. (2018). What are the perceptions, experiences, and behaviors of health care providers after implementation of a comprehensive smoke-free hospital policy? Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 5, 1-14. doi:10.1177/2333393618756770
Luke, A., Doucet, S., & Azar, R. (2018). Pediatric patient navigation models of care in Canada: An environmental scan. Paediatrics & Child Health, 1-10. doi: 10.1093/pch/pxx176
Charlton, P., Azar, R., Luke, A., Doucet, S., Montelpare, W., Nagel, D., Hyndman, N., & Thompson, K. (2017). Falling through the cracks: Barriers to accessing services for children with complex health conditions and their families in New Brunswick. Journal of New Brunswick Studies, 8, 133-158.
Clark, P., Weeks, L., Van den Bergh, G., & Doucet, S. (2017). Gerontology across the professions and the Atlantic: Development and evaluation of an interprofessional and international course on aging and health. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 38(2), 141-157. doi: 10.1080/02701960.2016.1144599
Doucet, S., Nagel, D., Azar, R., Montelpare W., Charlton, P., Hyndman, N., Luke, A., & Stoddard, R. (2017). A mixed-methods quick strike research protocol to learn about children with complex health conditions and their families. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 16, 1-12. doi: 10.1177/1609406917731426
Graves, M., Doucet, S., Dubé, A. & Johnson, M. (2017). Health professionals’ and patients’ perceived barriers and facilitators to collaborating when communicating through the use of information and communication technologies. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice. 10, 85–91.
Dube, A., Harris, G., Gahagan, J., & Doucet, S. (2016). Bridging the silos in HIV and Hepatitis C: A cross-provincial qualitative study. BMC Public Health. 62(7), 739-746. doi: 10.1007/s00038-016-0914-9
Graves, M., Doucet, S. (2016). Factors affecting interprofessional collaboration when communicating through the use of telemedicine: A literature review. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education, 6.2, 1-33.
Nagel, D. A., Stacey, D., Momtahan, K., Gifford, W., Doucet, S., & Etowa, J. (2016). Getting a picture: A grounded theory of nurses knowing the person in a virtual environment. Journal of Holistic Nursing. 35(1), 67-85. doi: 10.1177/0898010116645422
Doucet, S., Loney, E., & Alexiadis Brown, P. (2016). Perceptions of graduating health professional students of their interprofessional education experiences during pre-licensure education. Journal of Allied Health, 45(2), 5-9.
Curran, V., Reid, A., Reiss, P., Doucet, S., & Price, S., Alcock, L., & Fitzgerald, S. (2015). The use of information and communications technologies in the delivery of interprofessional education: A review of evaluation level outcomes. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 29(6), 541-550. doi: 10.3109/13561820.2015.1021002
Doucet, S., MacKenzie, D., Loney, E., Godden-Webster, A., Lauckner, H., Alexiadis Brown, P., Andrews, C., & Packer, T. (2014). Curricular factors that unintentionally affect learning in a community-based interprofessional education program: The student perspective. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education, 4.2, 1-30. Published online:
*Mackenzie, D., *Doucet, S., Nasser, S., Godden-Webster, A., & Andrews, C. (2014). Collaboration behind-the-scenes: Key to effective interprofessional education. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 28(4), 381–383. doi: 0.3109/13561820.2014.890923
Price, S., Doucet, S., & McGillis Hall, L. (2014). The historical social positioning of nursing and medicine: Implications for career choice, early socialization, and interprofessional collaboration. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 28(2), 103-109. doi: 10.3109/13561820.2013.867839
Doucet, S. (2014). Becoming a nurse scientist: The critical role of mentorship, collaboration, and foundational experiences as a graduate student. Scholarly and Research Communication, 5(1), 1-6.
Doucet, S., Lauckner, H., & Wells, S. (2013). Patients’ messages as educators in an interprofessional health education program. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education, 3, 92-102.
Hean, S., Anderson, L., Bainbridge, L., Clark, P., Craddock, D., Doucet, S., Hammick, M., Mpofu, R., O’Halloran, C., Oandasan, I., & Pitt, R. (2013). IN-2-THEORY: Interprofessional theory, scholarship and collaboration: A community of practice. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27, 88-90. doi: 10.3109/13561820.2012.743979
Doucet, S., Buchanan, J., Cole, T., & McCoy, C. (2013). A team approach to an undergraduate interprofessional communication course. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27, 272-273. doi: 10.3109/13561820.2012.743978
McCormack, D., Carr, T., McCloskey, Keeping-Burke, L., R. Furlong, K., & Doucet, S. (2012). Getting through ethics: The fit between research ethics board assessments and qualitative research. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 7, 30–36. doi: 10.1525/jer.2012.7.5.30
*Lauckner, H., *Doucet, S., & Wells, S. (2012). Patient as educators: The challenges and benefits of sharing experiences with students. Medical Education, 46, 992–1000. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2012.04356.x
Doucet, S., Andrews, C., Godden-Webster, A., Lauckner, H., & Nasser, S. (2012). The Dalhousie Health Mentors Program: Introducing students to collaborative patient-centred practice. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 26, 336-338. doi: 10.3109/13561820.2012.680631
Doucet, S., Buchanan, J., & Cole, T. (2012). Code blue challenge: Let the extracurricular interprofessional games begin. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 26, 245–246. doi: 10.3109/13561820.2011.653611
Doucet, S., Letourneau, N., & Robertson Blackmore, E. (2012). Support needs of mothers who experience postpartum psychosis and their partners. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 41, 236-245. doi: 10.1111/j.1552-6909.2011.01329.x
Doucet, S., Jones, I., Letourneau, N., Dennis, C.L, & Robertson Blackmore, E.(2011). Interventions for the prevention and treatment of postpartum psychosis: A systematic review. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 14(2), 89-98.
Doucet, S., Letourneau, N., & Stoppard, J. (2010). Contemporary paradigms for research related to women’s mental health. Health Care for Women International, 31, 296-312.
Doucet, S., Dennis, C-L., Letourneau, N., & Robertson Blackmore, E. (2009). Differentiation and clinical implications of postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 38, 269-279.
Doucet, S., & Letourneau, N. (2009). Coping and suicidal ideations in women with symptoms of postpartum depression. Clinical Medicine: Reproductive Health, 3, 9-19.
Participated in the delivery of over 100 presentations focused on interprofessional education and practice at local, national, and international conferences and workshops.