Omar Faruque

Assistant Professor


Carleton Hall 230

1 506 453 5050

Dr. Omar Faruque is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of New Brunswick. He received his PhD from the Department of Sociology at the University of Toronto. Before joining this position in July 2024, Dr. Faruque was a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow (2019-2021) and an Adjunct Assistant Professor (2021-2024) in the Department of Global Development Studies at Queen’s University and an Assistant Teaching Professor (2023-2024) in the Department of Sociology at the University of New Brunswick.

Earlier, he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Dhaka and a Research Associate (Agriculture and Rural Development Division) at the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies.

Research interests

  • Contentious Politics/Social Movements
  • Energy Futures/Just Transition
  • Environmental Justice/Environmental Racism
  • Politics of Climate Crisis
  • Resource Extraction/Environmental Governance

Dr. Faruque’s broad research interests are positioned at the intersection of Political Sociology, Environmental Sociology, and Global Sociology. More specifically, he is interested in contentious politics/social movements, with a focus on sustainable energy future, resource extraction, environmental governance, and climate politics. Drawing on conceptual toolkits derived from a wide range of critical social theory, he uses interpretive epistemologies as a methodological framework and qualitative in-depth interviews as the primary research method in his research.

His research projects also address themes related to two United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Goal-7: Affordable and Clean Energy; Goal-13: Climate Action). His research in this area of scholarship will enhance the role of universities committed to advancing the UN’s SDGs within and beyond their local communities.

Dr. Faruque is also involved with a multidisciplinary global network of scholars: Climate Social Science Network (CSSN) at Brown University. He is a member of its working group on Natural Resources, Energy, and Climate Obstruction in the Global South.

His work appears in PLOS Climate, Critical Sociology, Social Movement Studies, Asian Journal of Social Science, Asian Journal of Political Science, Journal of Contemporary Asia, The Extractive Industries and Society, and Canadian Journal of Development Studies.

Dr. Faruque’s current research project, funded by Climate Social Science Network (CSSN), examines the political economy of sustainable energy future in South Asia (with an empirical focus on Bangladesh’s energy policies). He is also involved in a collaborative research project examining actors, discourses, and strategies of climate obstruction/delay across the Global South.


Please visit Dr. Faruque’s Google Scholar page to see his publications.

Supervision areas

  • Contentious Politics/Social Movements
  • Energy Futures/Just Transition
  • Environmental Justice/Environmental Racism
  • Politics of Climate Crisis
  • Resource Extraction/Environmental Governance

Please contact me to discuss possible supervision for undergraduate, MA, and PhD research projects.