Chantal Richard




Tilley Hall 130

1 506 447 3246

BA (UNB), MA, PhD (Moncton), Assoc. Prof - 2008

In 2004, Dr. Chantal Richard received a PhD from l’Université de Moncton under Dr. Sylvia Kasparian and co-supervisor Dr. Rainier Grutman from the University of Ottawa. In addition, she completed a SSHRC-funded internship at l’Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis. Her PhD research focused on languages in contact in Canadian novels written in French at the end of the 20th century.

Dr. Richard has also taught at l’Université de Moncton and St. Thomas University. She became assistant professor at the University of New Brunswick in 2008 and associate professor in 2013.

The research of Dr. Chantal Richard gravitates around various phenomena brought about by languages and cultures in contact, and her interdisciplinary approach is informed by literature, linguistics and the digital humanities. Acadian identity, history, and literature, from the Acadian Renaissance period (1860s) to contemporary novels, remain at the heart of her research interests.


Dr. Richard teaches a number of language and literature courses within the Department of French, including FR 2184 – Francophone cultures of Canada, FR 3844 – Migrant literature of Québec; FR 4824 – Acadian literature of the 21st century, and FR 3824 – Literature of the Acadian Renaissance.

Primary research

Dr. Chantal Richard is principal investigator of the interdisciplinary and interuniversity research project: “Vocabularies of Identity II: the evolution of collective identity in Acadian and Loyalist texts published in New Brunswick newspapers from 1880 to 1940.” Co-investigators of this project include historians, literature specialists and linguists from the University of New Brunswick, St. Thomas University, l’Université de Moncton and the University of Maine at Fort Kent and is funded by an Insight Grant by the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada.

The project was ranked second in its category (digital economy) in Canada. The co-investigators aim to analyze various aspects about the collective identity of Acadians and descendants of Loyalists in New Brunswick through the examination of newspapers. See the resulting database.

Other ongoing research

Dr. Richard was co-investigator of the project: Moments of Literary Ferment in New Brunswick for which she published a book chapter titled: "Social conditions for the emergence of Acadian Renaissance literature (1864-1955)" (recipient of an Insight Grant by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, principal investigator: Dr. Tony Tremblay, St. Thomas University). She also a co-investigator at the Centre de Recherche en Édition Critique based at l’Université de Moncton, and funded by an Insight Grant. She is currently working on a little-known Acadian author, Joséphine Duguay, who wrote a play (unpublished) in 1939.

Academic journals

Chantal Richard was the co-editor of the Journal of New Brunswick Studies / la Revue d’études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick from 2015-2018, and is a continuing member of the editorial board since 2010, is a member of the editorial board of Acadiensis since 2016, and is on the advisory board of Studies in Canadian Literature/Études en littérature canadienne since 2011.


Dr. Richard has co-authored, along with Denis Bourque, the Conventions nationales acadiennes (1881-1937) in three volumes, the two of which have been published, and the third is accepted for publication. She is also the sole author of a fourth book published in 2014.

Co-author with Denis Bourque of Les Conventions nationales acadiennes. Tome III: 1913-1937. Moncton/Québec : Institut d’études acadiennes/Septentrion, forthcoming.

Co-author with Denis Bourque of Les Conventions nationales acadiennes. Tome II: 1900-1908. Moncton/Québec : Institut d’études acadiennes/Éditions Septentrion, 2018.

Sole author of Les Poèmes acadiens de Napoléon Landry. Moncton : Institut d’études acadiennes, col. Bibliothèque acadienne, 2014, 295 p.

Co-author with Denis Bourque of Les Conventions nationales acadiennes. Tome I: 1881-1890. Moncton : Institut d’études acadiennes, col. Bibliothèque acadienne, 2013, 389 p.

Invited essays

2014 - “L’identité collective acadienne avant et après la Confédération : le cas des Acadiens du Nouveau-Brunswick” (followed by the translation) “Acadian collective identity before and after Confederation: The case of New Brunswick Acadians” in (Re) Making Confederation: (Re) Imagining Canada Canadian Issues, Association for Canadian Studies, Fall 2014, p. 24-28.

Recent articles and book chapters (sole author unless otherwise indicated)

2018 - Co-author with Denis Bourque, Bonnie Huskins, and Greg Marquis of "National Symbols and Commemorations: Analysing the Loyalist Centennial and the Conventions nationales acadiennes in New Brunswick in the 1880s", chapter in Celebrating Canada. Volume 2, ed. Raymond B. Blake and Matthew Hayday, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, p. 26-51.

2017 - “Emergent Acadian Nationalism, 1864-1999”, chapter in New Brunswick at the Crossroads. Literary Ferment and Social Change in the East, ed. Tony Tremblay, Waterloo, Wilfred Laurier Press, p. 45-72.

2017 - "L’Acadie : née sous le signe de la transgression?", chapter in Transmissions et transgressions dans les littératures de l’Amérique francophone, eds. Cécilia W. Francis and Robert Viau, Moncton, Éditions Perce-Neige, collection Essais, p. 21-34.

2017 - "Discours identitaires véhiculés par les premiers journaux francophones en Acadie (1867-1900) : Confédération ou colonisation?", Studies in Canadian Literature/Études en littérature canadienne, Special issue Re : Confederating Canada, vol. 42, no 1, p. 84-109.

2016 - "Hétérolinguisme, cartographie et évolution du sujet postmoderne dans trois romans de Jean Babineau : Bloupe, Gîte et Vortex", chapter in La littérature acadienne du 21e siècle, eds. Cécilia Francis and Robert Viau, p. 131-146.

2016 - "Le débat sur l’adoption d’une fête nationale acadienne en 1881 : stratégies argumentatives dans une optique de persuasion selon la grille d’analyse de Patrick Charaudeau." Chapter in Les discours politiques : regards croisés. Bernal, Corcuera, Djian, Gaspar, and Vicente (eds), L’Harmattan, p. 302-313.

2014 - "Visualiser la cartographie postmoderne cybernétique de Régine Robin à l’aide du logiciel HYPERBASE." Revue de l’Université de Moncton, Special issue : Les chiffres et les lettres peuvent-ils se marier? Ed. Sylvia Kasparian, Volume 45, numéro 1-2, p. 215-231.

2014 - Primary author with Sylvia Kasparian. "Formes et fonctions des alternances de langues dans les romans contemporains hétérolingues au Canada : analyse assistée par SPHINX." Revue de l’Université de Moncton, Special issue : Les chiffres et les lettres peuvent-ils se marier? Ed. Sylvia Kasparian, Volume 45, numéro 1-2, p. 137-158.

2014 - Co-author with Sylvia Kasparian and James DeFinney (equal contributors). "La presse canadienne francophone et les événements du « 11 septembre » : une analyse des textes médiatiques par SPHINX et HYPERBASE." Revue de l’Université de Moncton, Special issue : Les chiffres et les lettres peuvent-ils se marier? Ed. Sylvia Kasparian, Volume 45, numéro 1-2, p. 77-98.

2013 - "Le Vortex inversé : étude d’un roman de Jean Babineau à l’ère de la mondialisation." Trajectoires et dérives de la littérature-monde. Poétiques de la relation et du divers dans les espaces francophones, Amsterdam : Rodopi, dir. Robert Viau and Cécilia Francis, p. p. 187-201.

2013 - Primary author with Anne Brown, Margaret Conrad, Gwendolyn Davies, Bonnie Huskins, and Sylvia Kasparian “Markers of Collective Identity in Loyalist and Acadian Speeches of the 1880s: A Comparative Analysis.” Journal of New Brunswick Studies/Revue d’Études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick, Vol 4 (2013).

2012 - Co-author with Sylvia Kasparian. "Vocabulaire de l’identité nationaliste : analyse lexicale et morphosyntaxique des discours acadiens et loyalistes entre 1881 et 1890 au N.-B., Canada." JADT : 11e journées internationales d’analyse statistique de données textuelles, Université de Liège/Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis, Bruxelles, Spring 2012, p. 845-857.

2012 - "À l’ère des brouillons électroniques : une étude génétique du roman Bloupe de Jean Babineau." Port-Acadie, n° spécial double 20-21, automne 2011/printemps 2012, p. 201-214.

Chantal Richard is a regular contributor to the book reviews section of the University of Toronto Quarterly.

Selected interviews

On the Conventions nationales acadiennes book launch: