The MF Report Presentation of Megan McKinley -FR

Event Date(s):
December 17, 2018
09:00 AM - 09:45 AM

Event Details:

The MF Report Presentation of Megan McKinley will be held. Report Title: The Development of Spruce and Pine Plantations After Early Silviculture Treatments.

Supervisor:  Dr. J. Kershaw, FOREM

Supervisory Committee:  Dr. J. Kershaw, FOREM

                                           Mr. Jasen Golding, FOREM

                                           Mr. Greg Adams, JD Irving

Abstract: A plantation establishment trial was initiated in 1994 with two scarification treatments (two passes of a Marden drum chopper, and a control), three herbicide treatments (two applications over the first two years following planting, three application at years 1, 2, and 4 following planting, and a control), and four species (jack pine, black spruce, white spruce, and Norway spruce). Subplots of 36 trees in each species×scarification×herbicide treatment combination (100 tree blocks) were measured over time. This report presents the results at age 21. In this study, herbicide had the greatest influence on tree growth, resulting in the influence of species and drum chopping to be insignificant. Jack pine responded greatest to the administration of three herbicide treatments by 150.6cm in mean height, and 8.91mm in mean diameter at breast height (DBH) compared to the height of Norway spruce and DBH of black spruce that obtained the second greatest growth responses.


Building: Forestry & Geology

Room Number: 202


Faith Sharpe
1 506 458 7520