Engineering Courses

ENGG1001Engineering Practice Lecture Series0 ch (1C)

A guest lecture series intended to introduce students to the engineering profession. Speakers from various engineering disciplines and job functions share their career experiences and discuss engineering projects underway in the region. 

ENGG1003Engineering Technical Communication4 ch (2C 3L) [W]

Oral, written and visual communication skills are developed as important tools used by engineers. Technical writing style is taught through the preparation of reports and summaries, and oral communication skills are improved through public speaking and the preparation of formal presentations. Computer-aided design is introduced and used to enhance visualization skills. The importance of information literacy is stressed. Various types of engineering drawings are presented and engineering unit conversions are practiced. 

ENGG1015Introduction to Engineering Design and Problem Solving2 ch (1C 2L) [W]

This course introduces engineering design methodology and develops basic problem solving techniques. Students work both individually and in teams on real engineering design projects for the local community in a simulated engineering consulting environment. Project planning, team-building, leadership and responsible care are discussed. Laboratories are used to demonstrate problem solving techniques for analytical and open-ended problems, and life-long learning is emphasized by having students integrate co-requisite and researched material into a structured design process. Restricted to students with fewer than 60ch of program credit upon first admission to the Faculty of Engineering or with permission of the instructor.

Co-requisites: ENGG 1003, APSX 1013, MATH 1003, MATH 1503.