Student Centres

Fredericton Campus 

Student Union Building 

The Student Union Building (SUB), completed in January 1969, is the result of student-administration cooperation. The cost was shared among the students of the University of New Brunswick, Saint Thomas University, and the former Teachers College, with the University of New Brunswick matching the student contribution.

The SUB houses the offices of several student groups and organizations. Both the Saint Thomas University and the University of New Brunswick student newspaper offices and the student government offices are located in the office wing as well as CHSR-FM, the student radio station. In the main part of the building there are several meeting rooms, a lounge area, a large cafeteria, the College Hill Social Club, The Cellar Pub n' Grill, the Information Centre, the PaperTrail, The Advocacy Centre, the University Women's Centre, the ballroom and the main administrative office for the SUB. For the convenience of the students there are also several retail outlets such as a clothing store, hair styling salon, travel office, two automated banking machines, a sundry shop and a jewelry store.

The Student Union Building is advised by a Board made up of UNB and STU students and members of the Board of Governors of UNB who strive to provide the services and atmosphere which will make student life enjoyable.