Bud and Peggy Bird Scholarship

Category(s): Application to or Recommendation submitted by Department or Faculty

Department(s): Anthropology, Biology, Biomechanical Engineering, Canadian Studies, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Classics, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Economics, Education, Electrical and Computer Engineering, English, Faculty of Management, Forestry, Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, History, Humanities, Interdisciplinary Studies (IDST), Kinesiology, Law, Math and Statistics, Mechanical Engineering, Nursing, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology

Administration: Internal

Field: Unrestricted

Value: $5,000

Number: 1

Duration: 1 year


Awarded in the fall annually, based on recommendation by UNB's Canadian River Institute, to an outstanding current graduate student at the University of New Brunswick. Preference will be given to graduate students conducting research on or related to wild Atlantic salmon. This award can be held in conjunction with other awards.

Apply:  Applications must include: (1) one page letter briefly describing graduate degree requirements already completed and a clear description of the candidates research (2) CV.

Deadline: September 20th of each year, forward to the CRI Director (cri@unb.ca). Decision is to be made by a committee of the Canadian Rivers Institute at UNB including one member of the CRI Executive.

Awarding Agency: The University of New Brunswick

Apply: n/a

Deadline: n/a

Recommendation needed from faculty?: No

Citizenship: n/a

International: Yes

Gender: n/a

Campus: Any

Full/Part time: Both

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