Larry Mayer Prize in Ocean Mapping and Marine Geoscience
Category(s): Application to or Recommendation submitted by Department or Faculty
Department(s): Earth Sciences, Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering
Administration: Internal
Field: Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering; Earth Sciences
Value: $1,500
Number: 1
Duration: 1 year
Awarded to a graduate student on the Fredericton campus making an outstanding contribution to ocean mapping and/or marine/lacustrine/fluvial geoscience. The prize will be awarded annually on the recommendation of the Director of Graduate Studies of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, in consultation with the Director of Graduate Studies in Earth Sciences. Applications not required. Prize candidates will be nominated annually by members of the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering and the Department of Earth Science.
Awarding Agency: The University of New Brunswick
Apply: n/a
Deadline: n/a
Recommendation needed from faculty?: No
Citizenship: n/a
International: No
Gender: n/a
Campus: n/a
Full/Part time: Both