Hugh and Michael Folster Memorial Scholarship in New Brunswick History

Category(s): Application to or Recommendation submitted by Department or Faculty

Department(s): History

Administration: Internal

Field: History

Value: Variable

Number: 1

Duration: 1 Year; renewable upon nomination by the GAU


Recipients must be enrolled full-time in the MA or PhD programme in Historical Studies on the Saint John or Fredericton campus, must be undertaking research on the history of New Brunswick (preference will be given to students working on some aspect of the history of the St. John River Valley), and must be residents of New Brunswick under the terms of the Student Finance Service Guidelines. Selection will be based on academic achievement and financial need.

Awarding Agency: The University of New Brunswick

Apply: n/a

Deadline: n/a

Recommendation needed from faculty?: No

Citizenship: n/a

International: No

Gender: n/a

Campus: n/a

Full/Part time: Full time

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